
Many people are mandatory reporters who are not “professionals” (what does that mean and how is it different than a stylist?) and don’t work with children.

Hahahah yeah my partner and I joked that the blood smear should have had Lenk’s signature under it because it was so obviously a brush stroke.

While is certainly possible the filmmakers didn’t treat the subject fairly, all the criticism of the documentary has been pretty empty: a few pieces of circumstantial evidence here and there, but nothing groundbreaking or anything that rebuts the substantial accusations of misconduct. It kinda seems like you haven’t

1) Yes. 2) No.

This little fact is nearly meaningless without physical corroboration. Where’s the blood in the cement cracks? Or blood spatter on any of the objects in the garage? Why no trace of bleach? Do you actually believe Brendan’s testimony wasn’t coerced?

Have you seen the documentary?

It honestly sounded like he was enjoying himself while describing the story of Halbach’s graphic rape and murder. Fucking creep.

Guessing you haven’t seen the doc. I’d highly recommend it

What?? How on earth is circumstantial evidence the best? That comparison doesn’t work because evolution is based on loads of physical evidence, whereas the Avery case was not.

Given that the investigation was so botched, unprofessional, and downright corrupt, it’s hard for me to take any of their claims seriously. But yeah I’d like to see the court transcripts/footage about that point.

Yeah, would love to see an ethnography of a DA’s office. They are so deeply invested and closed-minded about the convictions. This is the problem with electing DAs based on how many convictions they got — it fuels bad motivation.

Why is it baffling? People (like me) are outraged someone was convicted of a crime when the evidence is amazingly weak. Given the lack of physical evidence against him, it would be astonishing if he were actually guilty.

Funny how they are so certain of his guilt, and yet their best “damning” evidence is circumstantial and does nothing to connect victim + suspect + crime scene, nor does it fill in huge gaps in evidence like no blood stains or Halbach’s DNA anywhere.

6-figure retainer for a top defense attorney ain’t exactly a discount... but I’ll take him anyway ;)

Oh man yeah I forgot about that! Why don’t we know who called her?? I’m SURE it could have been found in phone records — maybe records that still exist.

Yeah, IIRC a cop said that. Which is funny ‘cuz a different cop said “Prison probably made him violent.” So which one is it, guys? He was naturally violent so good thing he was in prison, or prison changed him to be violent? The answer: whichever one helps you rationalize convicting him.

Approval points for your NoLabelsYetGuy.

Sweat DNA: If Brendan said he disconnected it, then why was Avery’s DNA (supposedly) found? I’d also be curious to know who “found” it, perhaps a Manitowoc county cop.