
What evidence is that? Kratz has mentioned some of Halbach’s belongings found on the property, and another instance of Avery’s DNA on the car. That’s basically the same thing as the blood in the car and her keys in his bedroom. And none of that answers why her DNA or blood stains were totally absent, which is a huge

That could easily be because police were misleading and pressuring him. They told him everything would be okay, and most people (especially young people) want to please anyone they see as a benevolent authority. I can believe he may have some disability, I just haven’t seen anything that can’t be accounted for by

I totally can believe he may have had some issue that was not addressed properly in school and that doesn’t have any obvious signs to me. However, I’m worried about him being constantly told he’s dumb and just believing it. I remember the phone conversation he had with his mom where he said, “I can’t do it! I’m

I don’t see how his hesitations are evidence of comprehension issues with the questions. He seemed nervous, confused, and shy.

Yessss, did you notice in the very first interview with the press he talked about getting through the “grieving process”? Halbach was still missing at the time; her car hadn’t even been found yet. He also lied to the press when he told them he hadn’t been on the Avery property during the search.

Yeah they were kinda sus. Roommate & ex-boyfriend would be first suspects on my list, though. The whole “uhh we just guessed her username and password” thing was unbelievable.

It would have been difficult to do that anyway since it would have had to rely on evidence gathered in the police investigation, which was obviously botched and biased against Avery. Similar problems arise with the Serial case. Even knowing Adnan Syed is probably innocent, it’s almost impossible to reinvestigate at

Specifically what evidence do you find compelling? In this interview…, Kratz mentions (1) a different instance Avery’s DNA in Halbach’s car, and (2) Halbach’s belongings on the property.

YES! When my partner and I were watching it, I paused it right there and had a 10 minute rant about that exact line. Reasonable doubt is for EVERYONE, even people who are guilty.

In the doc, people kept saying Brendan was “slow,” “not bright,” etc., but I never understood why. It seemed more like he was shy, confused, and had underprivileged education (e.g. 4th grade reading level). Whenever he spoke to his mother, or even to the detectives and the prosecutor during trial, I never saw anything

Watch the documentary. Then read Kratz’s response to it, and you’ll see how empty the criticism of it is. Also, the filmers were working on this project loooong before it was picked up by Netflix.