Coconut bob
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I love every single one of these...............................except when my team comes up and I'm too much of a chicken shit to read the verbal equivalent to this:

Too bad the iPad user base has to be 100 times larger than the Vita's.

Dog Fister > Everything.

Stop using Emmitt as the escape goat.

I think the best bet is to not try and match the characters 1 to 1.

Until Texas breaks off and starts its own basketball team! YEEEEEEEE-HAWWWWWWWWW

wat?! That is a great idea. Not only cause it would be super popular, but unlike the world cup in soccer, we would kill it every time!

Do you think kissing up to Sean and Tom and all the homos at deadspin will make you popular?

He's so salty... like pee sex!

Anything to add ammo to the anti-men movement, eh?


Fuck unlv

Stanchions, measurements, configurations, flimsiness.... Whatever happened to "accidents happen" and "look before you leap?" Shit happens. And ESPN and everyone else is acting like the dude just became the next Dennis Byrd. Yeah, it's gross. But he'll be back. Jesus, America: sack up!

I'm not trying to be insensitive, I usually comment on Deadspin to be goofy. Not even sure why I made a serious comment (alcohol?), but crying in your dads arms seems so extreme to me.

Horrific as fuck, but isn't that a bit much? I guess Kyrie is pretty young, but its just a bad leg break

It was so bad, Derrick Rose announced he's going to sit out another year.

Amaro looks like every villain from every 80s made for TV movie.

It's like watching the Earth Federation becoming the Titans. Bonus points to anybody who gets the reference.

Sony not keeping promises? Colour me shocked.