God you’re so HOT, COOL aaand WITTY! What a catch!
God you’re so HOT, COOL aaand WITTY! What a catch!
Is this supposed to make people laugh or just say “oh, a pun”?
He’s old. Maybe he’ll die soon.
If you were to match that color in a paint, it would be “Joe Pesci In A Cornfield Purple.”
Bleacher Report seems right, given their financial backing and ties to Turner/NBA.
Baltimore police shut down Miguel Marquez’s live shot as he attempted to cover the arrest of Freddie Gray protesters,…
So, does your Mom like to play practical jokes on you or do you just crave the attention of being somehow linked to news stories?
I had to live with a friend for a bit when in between places, he let me stay for a couple of months, and in return I filled the fridge with food. When I finally found a new place I asked if he would mind if I took the food to the new place to save a few bucks he said he didn’t so when I moved out and left a large…
No you are not. Also, you are a terrible writer BTW.
Another thread filled with cynicism. Well I’m going to be a rebel and say I absolutely love the picture of the Trinity. It’s pretty much perfection.
Another thread filled with cynicism. Well I’m going to be a rebel and say I absolutely love the picture of the Trinity. It’s pretty much perfection.
[picks up phone; cancels all Monday guests]—
I’m glad she gettin what she deserved. Puttin Donald on blast like that to make herself famous. She need to get sued
Kudos to Jordan for fulfilling his dream, but enough with all the “when I was 21...” crap. This dude led a privileged country club upbringing...it cost ~ $500,000 to raise a professional golfer not to mention only a portion of the country has the right climate to play golf year round. what percentage of kids have…
These one-and-doners are ruining college golf.
“But the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top.”
You know damn well you should have used Yakety Sax for this.
I’m rooting for a plane carrying the Steelers to crash into the ring.