Doesn't seem that astronomical that 4 out of the 5 cards drawn would be same suit. Anyone care to do the math? And I don't feel bad for anyone who is able to be sponsored at a million dollar buy in tournament. Fuck him.
Doesn't seem that astronomical that 4 out of the 5 cards drawn would be same suit. Anyone care to do the math? And I don't feel bad for anyone who is able to be sponsored at a million dollar buy in tournament. Fuck him.
If Ted Cruz watched this, he'd probably have a brain aneurysm.
When I heard they might be rebooting Predator, my first thought was "Predator spawned two Governors and almost a third. Those are mighty big shoes to fill."
Sure, run along kid, the grownups need to talk.
Bagwell is more of a HOFer than Frank Thomas. He had similar offensive stats and was one of the best defensive first basemen ever, period. But the "guardians" couldn't care less about defense or anything else aside from HRs. At this point the HoF is a complete disgrace to the game and I'm not sure being elected or…
On behalf of Edgar Martinez I would like to say fuck you MLB. That he can't make the hall of fame, it's more than just a shame.
Its in vogue now to hate on Nolan, DC, etc - I don't get it. I love the serious take on Superman and Batman. Can't stand the marvel "funny" banter/quips.
It felt more exciting because there were more scenes interspersed (keeping in mind that this was further along in production)? I'm sorry, but if you found that GotG teaser to be more exciting than the above, you don't care for either Batman or Superman.
Because a teaser for a movie almost two years away from release needs more to it? Hipster.
I really hope I'm wrong, and the movie is good, but DC's track record on live action film just isn't what Marvel's is.
Really tired of this (widely repeated / stolen) gag / meme when Marvel hasn't announced a female superhero film either.
It's an overrated piece o shit game.
The MLB union must be one of the most effective unions anywhere. All guaranteed money. The Phillies are dying to get rid of Ryan Howard, but if they release him they still owe him $ 60M. Few would argue football is the more brutal sport, yet teams can just cut players at their whim, and the contract isn't honored. A…
"Don't make the wrong thing for dinner, ladies."
Photographic evidence of the absolute worst moment in sports journalism history. Nothing will ever come close to the level of awful this interview was.
"Not if she knows what's good for her"- Stephen A.
Steven A. is such a hypocrite! How can he tell women to try and make sure that their actions do not provoke another person to want to physically assault them when he himself goes on national television every day conducting himself in a way that makes you want to beat the shit out of him?
this is low-hanging fruit and an easy comment to make, but Steven A has always been a fucking moron and no one should pay attention to him. ever.