Coconut bob

relying on the media he usually avoids

go fuck yourself.

That kid is a fucking schmuck. I know the cop shouldn't have pushed him, but I'll be damned if I didn't wish the cop punched him in the face, instead.

Well, thank God he wasn't smoking pot at the time, right?

Where'd that guy go to law school, the Deadspin comment section?

At almost 9000 words, it could have used an abstract.

This is a long comment

You guys must have been sheer hell on the editors at B/R.

To sum up, its the Sports Writer's version of 'Almost Famous' except Kate Hudson is a dude, everyone wants to be Bill Simmons, and something about Sound Garden.

Maybe that's why he didn't get a job offer. Wordy much?

Terrifyingly long?

seriously? you're okay with people working for free? you are the problem.

The ignorance of Kickstarter has been angering me since this thing blew up - people seem to think there is no legal obligation for these projects to make good on their promises, but in reality there very much is.

Yogscast is pretty much open for a class action lawsuit right now. And in all honesty, they deserve it.

so I can take my finger off the big red doomsday button in my secret lair now?

I thought Gordon got busted for weed, not crack cocaine?

A chronograph is a specific type of watch. If you call your chronograph a chronograph you're probably an asshole; if you call a regular watch a chronograph you're probably Skip Bayless.

Because baseball. Athletes. The unwritten rules. Pastime.

Qatar is made of fire.

Can I do roids like Braun while I work from home?

I love the "Don't compare him to Willie Mays" tweet. You keep on keeping on, buddy.