Coconut bob

Knowing Ray, he'll probably only get 1-2.

yes he did, read the original comics.

Sorry but TMNT was always gritty and dark especially the original idea what you are on about.

I fear you are being far too reasonable a person for the internet to handle. Shouldn't we all be throwing things by now?

Right. Illiterate white people usually choose Rosa Parks as an essay topic.

OK, that was a nice touch.

While I don't necessarily disagree with your other points, you know that ninja turtles has always been set in new york, right?

You have to be kidding me... you thought MARIO BROS was better than transformers?! oy... I'm out!

OK, that bit at the end did make me chuckle.

You serious?

If you are laughing at this, your more than likely a little racist.

If you want to lose respect for humanity go read the actual Reddit thread. I was honestly shocked at the level of vitriol I was reading from seemingly the entire Oculus community over there. And naturally, everybody calling for a levelheaded, wait-and-see approach was barraged with downvotes. Reddit is the absolute

"So this is your slaughtering younglings phase?"

I am tired of the internet thinking they know better. Luckey CLEARLY cares about every single person that cares about VR. Eggy bother with a few angry redditors after an acquisition like this? It would be a complete waste of time. Luckey, if you see this, just stay strong through the typical internet BS.

UGH. fuck the internet.

No more like you backed cancer research, they found the cure, but then sold it to a big pharmaceutical company who will squeeze every possible penny from it, instead of allowing it to go mainstream and benefit everybody.

Okay, that's it. You're in analogy time-out. No analogies for you for a week!

Except the ones that donated, if you paid for the headset you'd get the headset, there was no problem with that, but some people donated money to make the Rift come true, they didn't ask anything in return except from seeing the dream come to fruition.

Yeah. He is acting like a dick. Adrian Gonzalez seems to think he's a steaming pile of shit too. Maybe the guy is just a douche? Perhaps that's why his own manager hates him? Deadspin is starting to look like Skip Bayless fawning over Tebow with the constant blind Puig defenses.

That's as well as maybe. But come one, be honest. You know damn well that without their investment, there would be no Oculus Rift.