
She was born in 1933. She’s not a Baby Boomer.  But nice try. 

HAHA, of course Olivia did this. I have admired her since she was on Peep Show

Michael Rapaport is 48 looks 63 and acts 16. If you keep literally every aspect of him exactly the same there’s hotter men every place anywhere. 

I’m finding your statements that older people need guidance in how to approach YouTube to be disturbingly ageist. Walker believes this shit because she’s crazy, not because she’s older.

I was just writing a reply to the prior poster agreeing that BPD is challenging to deal with, but that anyone can learn skills to be a good friend/supporter of a person with BPD, which is something that those with BPD really need. (honestly, we all need community and love, but BPD people do, too).

There’s no attitude I find more repellent than aggressive hipster posturing. At some point people apparently decided that ironic detachment was the “cool” thing to do, and all it does is drag down everyone.

Right, that’s it. You Yanks have gone too far this time.

I guess Trump was right.

Thank God, I thought it was just me.

Carly Pearce’s gown is hardly an empire waist. But despite your protest, I say, by all means, bring back the empire waist. It’s very flattering for any woman who doesn’t have a teeny tiny waist, but most importantly, it’s perfect for singers who can’t belt it out while girdled in!

If some foods or other substances make you feel bad and are not crucial to your survival, eliminate them from your diet, or reduce how much or how often you ingest them. For example, I have not eaten any foods from McDonald’s, Burger King, etc. in many years, because their foods make me feel lousy.

Maybe if he gets covered in water he’ll melt like the witch in the Wizard of Oz? I literally hate every single thing Trump stands for. He is a disgrace.

Well written.
TLDR: Trump is a poor person’s idea of what a rich person is, dumb person’s idea of what smart person is, a weak person’s idea of what strong person is.

OMG Jerry-N. Keep on keeping’ on!

Congressman Ted Lieu replied to the Asshole in Chief that, in fact, 98% of forest land in California is federally owned, and that Trump was the person who cut funding to the Forest Service, so any “mismanagement” lies on Trump’s head. Ted Lieu is the ultimate trump twitter troll. Also, the local news reported that

Am I the only woman in the world that did not find this movie funny? I’ve tried a few times and I love all the actresses, but... like the heart cookie scene above. It’s shooting for way too many things at once? Two best friends that have drifted apart and are struggling, or at least Wigg’s character is. So it seems to

There are a few things that are good about being an old. One is weddings and showers. I don’t go to them anymore, period. Okay I might attend a Vegas wedding on the fly, if I happened to be there already. And back in the old days, it was fine to give a toaster, or maybe one place setting for a close friend. When I got

JIM ACOSTA did not put his hands on HOPE HICKS LITHO #5* she grabbed him - at the direct instruction of Trump.

As a Floridian it’s very stressful for me too. I was coping with the loss, I took the L and dealt with it, and now this cruel glimmer of hope is messing with me.