A section that stood out to me from the Washington Post story:
A section that stood out to me from the Washington Post story:
I’m team They Both Need to Sit Down, Shut Up and Think Long and Hard About Their Current Life Choices Before Going on TV/Instagram/Twitter and Being Messy as Fuck.
Not necessarily, but anything is possible. The intruder could have seen it as a game, with them having complete control over what happens. If they turn around, I do X to them, if they don’t, I do nothing. Maybe they thought that nobody else was coming home, and they would have all the time in the world to wait for the…
Nobody in my life has ever made me as angry as Donald Trump has. Every single time he opens his mouth after a tragedy he just spews bullshit. When I think about the things he has said, I can feel my body shake with anger. I just want to yell and scream at him in a way I have never yelled at someone before.
The state about to elect the most progressive governor in the country?
OMG thank you for also finding the end of that movie ridiculous! I thought I was the only one :(
he is Not Hot.
Thank you.
I think anyone who measures their success in life in dollars and cents is a failure.
Anyone with a smidgen less entitlement would have withdrawn their name by now. This guys a fucking sociopath. A raging drunk sociopath.
This entire nomination process is just so gross. Leaving aside Ford’s accusations (which I find credible), Kavanaugh showed yesterday that he does not have the temperament or impartiality to serve on any federal court. That in and of itself should be disqualifying. But this is why elections matter. Everyone needs…
And they’re still going to come out of all of this believing they’re the victims.
I believe that was the basic message of Trump voters. And here we are looking at a really and truly fucked America.
But that’s where I keep all my stuff though!
What a disaster.
I am not a violent person and I would never actually hit someone, but every time I saw this guy on CNN talking about Trump, I wanted to punch him in the face. He always came off as the biggest slimeball.
Mrs. Maisel is a wonderful show. Maybe binge watching it, as Megan says she did, didn’t really give her a sense of the detail. The show is set in the 1950s when NYC was considerably less squalid and filthy. Most scenes bounce from the wealthy Upper West Side homes to the Village, which is depicted as gritty (again,…
I would believe a venerable journalist best known for his work exposing Nixon any day of the week over a malignant carnival barker known for lying because he thinks he can.
First off, work is work, and the people who do an honest job should be treated with dignity and respect, on the clock and off.
Beautifully said. Exactly how I feel.