I hate those things that hold up rolled-up sleeves, too! Ugh. But they seem to be everywhere. I have made a vow not to buy another top with those things.
I hate those things that hold up rolled-up sleeves, too! Ugh. But they seem to be everywhere. I have made a vow not to buy another top with those things.
I just saw this on Sunday and afterward assumed that Taraji P. Henson received an Academy Award nomination for her performance. BUT SHE DID NOT. What madness is this? I’ve seen La La Land twice and really liked it, but Emma Stone’s performance wasn’t particularly outstanding. Taraji acted circles around her.…
Melanin. Melanin makeup, not melatonin. Melatonin is what I sometimes take at night to help me sleep. #themoreyouknow
Sorry—I meant “by the difference between.” This administration’s got me so rattled I can’t write anymore, and that’s one way I make my living.
I was distracted by this different between her IG caption and Kourtney’s. Brie’s may be overly sincere, but at least it has substance. Can you imagine a K writing something like that?
I was fairly young and unaware then (elementary/high school) and focusing on the Vietnam War, which polarized our country, but what’s happening now seems so much worse. I am truly frightened.
From Robert Reich’s Facebook page on Jan. 21:
This was ten or so years ago. Yeah, I’m that old. My period is gone baby gone now.
When I started menopause, or I guess was in perimenopause, my period lasted five months, with one or two days off every few weeks. So there’s that. I ended up going back on the pill to regulate it. I’ve heard of this happening to other women, as well.
She touched everyone on the shoulder. It must have been annoying for those who were being touched. I noticed it and had to switch the channel. She’s really bad at red carpet interviews, and the job should go to someone who is good at it.
I was watching with the sound muted (I do this a lot), but then I looked up from my book and saw those reactions and HAD to unmute to hear what they were reacting to. Needless to say, I muted the sound again after a few seconds of TH’s blathering.
Most recent list: http://apps.npr.org/best-music-2016/list/top-songs/
All that means is that her condition hasn’t changed. It’s stable—the same. It doesn’t mean she’s getting better. (I know how negative that sounds, but I’m a realist.)
I’ve had the opportunity to hang out with Michael Shannon, and he was cool. He’s a good guy.
I got stuck on “Orlando beach.” I live in Orlando, and there are no beaches, unless I guess if you count a small sandy area on a lake. But there are no sharks in lakes. Or are there? After the crazy that is 2016, I guess anything’s possible.
Yes, I do live in a bubble; that idea slammed me in the face on November 9. As for your other comments, interesting perspective. Thank you for sharing. As I stated earlier, Boomers get the blame because they are in power or are just retiring. The next generation will also be blamed for the ills of the world. It never…
I had nothing to do with that, and in fact work hard most days to ensure otherwise. (Also, I don’t have children, but that’s not the point.)
I’ve seen that comment a few times, and yes, it’s horrible, but I tell myself they’re young and don’t know any better. I won’t say that about all young people—I know better than that, because I teach in a university and encounter all sorts of thoughtful ideas and opinions from my students. The idea that all Baby…
I don’t stand in the way of meaningful change. I was an Independent until this year but switched to Democrat because I wanted to vote for Bernie in the primary. You know him—the candidate who wants meaningful change (and who is old enough to be my father). 90% of my Baby Boomer friends were also Bernie supporters, and…