
Thank you. Your children will say the same about your generation when you’re old. Signed, A Boomer.

I watched every episode eagerly until this season. After the premiere a few weeks ago, I gave up. Call me what you will. That was the end for me. I don’t even miss it.

Another great movie Duvall shines in is Three Women. Sissy Spacek’s also in it, one year after she did Carrie. Check it out sometime. It’s awful to see her this way and seems exploitative, but maybe it will mean she gets help? I hope.

I’m not denying that lots of boomers voted for Trump. Too many. I don’t understand it and I’m exhausted from trying to.

Gee, thanks.

Why do so many waiting rooms have Fox News on their TVs? Why do so many doctor’s waiting rooms have TVs to start with? It makes me crazy. I’ve told more than one doctor when I was finally called into my appointment that my blood pressure would be high as they were taking it because I was forced to listen to Fox News.

I hate pickles. *shudder*

I particularly like to push them when I’m alone in the elevator. It’s like, “Quick, before a serial killer gets on!” Knowing they don’t even work makes me sad.

I think she’s awful on Kimmy Schmidt! So annoying. I do love David, though.

*Charlotte Bronte*

I saw that a few years ago. A friend and I decided to go at the last minute and bought scalped tickets, or at least tickets a guy on the sidewalk outside the show was selling. Our seats were bad—almost to the top of the huge arena, and so far to the side of the stage that we couldn’t really see the wall. We did see

I teach critical thinking skills--BASIC critical thinking skills in an advanced composition class--to college students, and it’s distressing how many students not only lack these skills but how many become overly defensive when I dare to question their research, argument, use of sources, and so forth. It’s like

I scrub my feet with a brush every day in the shower, and I wash the upper part of my thighs. When I shave my legs, which I do every two-three days, I soap them up, which is basically washing them, no? And shaving them is the same as exfoliating them--think about it. I might have clicked on the wrong box in the poll.

I’m in Florida! Where’s your library?

Hair Cuttery fan here, too. I don’t even pay to have them blow-dry my hair. I just plan to go home right after the cut and dry it myself. That’s how cheap I am. Oh, and I do my own pedicures, too.

I lived just outside NYC for quite a few years. Trust me, there are racist people there. Lots and lots of them.

You may be on to something there.

Oh, I think it’s about more than that. It’s a good idea to leak a reason to the press, and that sounds like something they’d think most people would relate to.

Agreed. I teach college students, and I wouldn’t dream of saying any of these things to them. To be respected, you have to show respect.

I live in Florida, and a few years ago decided to take a dip in the ocean with a friend at this very same beach. I don’t really “swim” in the ocean, so I was standing in about knee-deep water and staring out at the ocean, while my friend was actually swimming. After a few minutes I walked back to shore and she kept