Thank you. The trailer confuses me, too. I thought it was Bridget and Mark happily ever after, and now they’re not together?
Thank you. The trailer confuses me, too. I thought it was Bridget and Mark happily ever after, and now they’re not together?
Have you ever seen him in Pride & Prejudice? That’s what did for me. I like him now as well, but in P&P he’s at his absolute best.
Never mind. Bridget and Mr. Darcy never got married in the first place, did they? I guess I’m wondering why he and Bridget aren’t together at the beginning of this movie.
I wore Asics for years, but the last two pairs I bought didn’t serve me well because I wore a hole in the inside heel area after about six weeks, and then that hole caused a blister in both cases. I noticed that the fabric lining was different from what it used to be, and I think that’s why the hole wore through. I…
I wore Asics for years, but the last two pairs I bought didn’t serve me well because I wore a hole in the inside…
My college roommate asked me to stop wearing this one T-shirt to sleep in because it had words on it, and in the morning seeing words made her dizzy.
He’s amazing in Bloodline. He does such awful things, but you feel for him and just want him to be happy, and you can see the pain behind his eyes. Amazing.
I’m pushing 60, and Jessie inspires me. I work out and have done for years, but seeing how strong she is makes me feel like I have the potential to do more, to do better. My workout goal is strength and balance, not so much weight loss, and sometimes I imagine myself jumping from that little trampoline on some of the…
And pee doesn’t get on your hands? I have trouble believing this.
They are literally showing it right now on NBC.
I’m not a fan of iced coffee, but I do like hot coffee. It gives me heartburn, though. Apparently cold brew isn’t as bad for acid reflux. Can I heat up the coffee made with this, or would it taste terrible heated?
I’m not a fan of iced coffee, but I do like hot coffee. It gives me heartburn, though. Apparently cold brew isn’t as…
True. Nothing much left to say except that I had Stage 1A breast cancer in 2013. It was found on a mammogram. Get your mammograms, ladies. I was so lucky and only had a lumpectomy and radiation and have been cancer-free for three years.
You also only have like, 12-36ish months to live.
That suit, quietly yet clearly, made reference to history, specifically the history of the women’s movement.
The worst part was when he ate a dead cockroach/palmetto bug. Horrific. Anything for the camera, I guess.
Oh, that Samantha Bee episode! That woman who was a truck mechanic but who, with her boyfriend, couldn’t vote for Hillary because a woman shouldn’t be president. AAarrgghh! Grrrr! I don’t even know anymore.
Or who are committed to voting for a third-party candidate not because they believe in their policies but because they “just can’t vote for Hillary.” I chose to deactivate my Facebook account because I saw too many people like this and had to stop trying to change their minds. There’s no dealing or rationalizing with…
I have a list of “banned” topics in my argument essay class. Abortion is one of them. It might be controversial for me to do that (I don’t think so and got the idea from a former English Dept. chair), but I love not having to read about abortion, gun control, etc.
I didn’t know Emma Stone could sing until I watched her last night on Maya and Marty, which I’d never heard of but discovered while channel surfing. Here’s a link to a video of Emma and Maya singing, accompanied by margarine tubs or something. She has a beautiful voice! (As does Maya, but I’m old enough to remember…
Thank your lucky stars. I remember how good it felt after a good cry. I haven’t been able to cry in years. I tear up, but that’s about it. No sobbing, no great, cathartic release of emotion. Maybe somethings wrong with me, I don’t know. (I’m female, for the record.)
Perhaps he meant it in a “she’s so beautiful she can’t be human” kind of way.