I agree with you, but apparently that makes us prudes or something. Does she look hot? Absolutely.
I agree with you, but apparently that makes us prudes or something. Does she look hot? Absolutely.
I’m not new, though. I’ve been here for years. I said eight above, but I think it’s been even longer than that. When Kinja was introduced, I turned gray and have been gray ever since.
I just counted more than 49 in that photo. Hmm. Looks like 56.
I think it may be because some of us grew up with him and knew him “before.” He was just a few months younger than me, and I can remember him all the way back to the “Rockin’ Robin” and “ABC” days. Then something happened, and he started to change. Was it because of how his father treated him? Was it because he was so…
Me too. I used to have a star back when we had stars here. A nice big gold star. I’ve been commenting on the Gawker websites about eight years, since the days of Julia Allison and the Montauk Monster. Now, I’m perpetually gray, and I don’t know why.
Well, he’s right: The Second Amendment is a group of words, so it didn’t kill anyone. However, the excessively loose interpretation of those words and the NRA ass-kissing by government officials definitely has contributed to the deaths in Orlando, Sandy Hook, and so on.
He was at my house for a pest control treatment. I didn’t want to have what could have been a heated discussion with someone in that context. Turns out we talked anyway and it was fine, as I stated above. (My dad often says what you said—that we should talk about things instead of avoiding them. When he does talk to…
I had a conversation in real life with a conservative gun-lover yesterday. As soon as he started talking about gun rights and the Second Amendment, I told him we probably shouldn’t continue the discussion, since I am all for gun control. He skipped a beat but kept going. Turns out that while he is gung-ho for guns, he…
Same here. I live in Orlando, and when I woke up to find that 50 were killed Saturday night/Sunday morning, I teared up and let out one sob and then stopped. I can’t cry anymore. I remember crying watching those young people escaping from Columbine High School, and now, when this happens in my own city, I feel sad, I…
It is true, but I’m afraid he’s gone. His name was just added to the list.
I’m pretty sure that’s not her page. I heard that someone made a fake page for her. Also, his name isn’t on the list of dead. Here’s her real FB page. I know this because she and her missing son are friends of a friend (I live in Orlando, have been to the club, and so on): https://www.facebook.com/cjoy2000?fref=…
Thank you. That was beautiful. I’d never heard of Christina Grimmie until last night. We’re mourning all over Orlando.
I put almost the exact same comment as yours on a Facebook post today and was reamed by the poster (a white male, go figure), who called my thinking “offensive.” (There’s a lot about this on my Facebook feed because I live in Orlando, within walking distance of this theater.) Thank you for reminding me I’m not crazy.…
I just finished reading Alissa Nutting’s Tampa last week. It’s told from the point of view of a female teacher who preys on her 14-year-old male students, and it is absolutely sickening to be inside her mind. It’s good that you think a 13-year-old boy is unappealing sexually; that makes you normal. A pedophile will…
I’m another Christian college grad. I wasn’t interested in politics back then, but my eyes were open to how repressive, judgmental, and selfish the “Christian” people around me were, and that realization led me, eventually, to become a liberal.
Agreed. My 80-something mother has always like to spout that quote, but the older I get and the more I learn about history and how people behave, the more liberal I become.
Years ago—however many years old Brittny Gastineau is—I was working at a part-time job at A&S in Huntington, New York, where among other things I was a gift wrapper. This lovely little old lady comes in with two bibs and asks me to wrap them, and then tells me that the gift is for her next-door neighbor Mark Gastineau…
Same. Sometimes I’ll mention that I did something, and the person I’m with will ask me who I did it with and I’ll say I went alone and they’ll act offended because I didn’t ask them. Honestly, I’m such a loner at heart that most of the time it doesn’t even occur to me to see if someone else wants to join me at a movie…
I’ve been doing this for years, since my divorce ten years ago. I have lots of friends, but they don’t always want to do what I want to do, or they can’t take off work, or they don’t have the money. I’ve gone to concerts alone and taken trips alone. I haven’t gone overseas, but I have flown across the country to see…