Cocoa butter addict got a new phone

White women who want to broadcast their politics (in addition to actually taking action, ahem) could also just wear a t-shirt from Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, Amnesty, SPLC, CAIR, BLM, NOW, NPR, DNC ... the possibilities are endless. Just anything at all besides almost literally #notallwhitewomen.

What, how are you not super excited by a 1993 T-bird? Sure it’s the most blandy Mcbland mobile from bland-land, powered by blandsauce on the autobland, but come on, it’s got “Thunder” right in the goddamn name of the thing!

Thanks, thought it was just me, actually I thought maybe she was being all sarc here...

Save for the BMWs, Bentley, and possibly the Electra, pretty lame in fact. The bikes get a pass were famous from the videos, so they get a pass.

Apart from the 633i, thats the most “meh” collection ever.

NO LITTLE RED CORVETTE???????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Self-indulgent, indeed. He didn’t even thank Taylor Swift!

Oh Tom. You had so much potential in the first Thor movie. And now look. You’ve become a parody of yourself. Tsk tsk. My bits are sad today as they once longed for you.

(he apparently wasn’t poring over his mentions in the wake of his win)

Because the condom broke.


I love how easily he’s able to convey how normal this is for their family. Like, of course her favorite thing would be a novelty-sized Prozac capsule. lol And, of course you would choose to put her remains in it, because of course.

Starred for night cheese.

How else is he supposed to pick out his next temporary wife? The elementary school won’t let him into any of their classes anymore.

He’s also a weaselly, lying shit. The “non-partisan, American tradition” doesn’t seem to count when Democrats win.

I want their shoes to fly in his face.

I keep saying they should “accidentally” kick him in the balls.

...Dolan responded that he hadn’t seen hate from anyone on the pro-Trump side

Not for nuthin’ but the Rockette’s high kicks will sure look a lot like Nazi soldier goose stepping parades in pictures. They should rethink this.

Performing for Trump’s inauguration is absolutely seen as an endorsement of Trump and the way he talks about and treats women. Trump himself will say as much when they show up and perform. Remember, they are being coerced into performing for a narcissist who thinks everything is about him.