
Do you think they were disappointed he didn’t plan to spend all $100 on a prostitute? I mean, c’mon, treat yo self!

That is straight up booster money. It was meant for a prostitute.

So, that picture is literally Teddy Bridgewater blowing.

I understand that it was Yves Saint Laurent and that Yves passed away; but he died in 2008 and the brand didn’t change until 2012.

I mean, I get it. He’s an actor. It’s pretty normal for people in show biz to get work done and as someone who has had very minor stuff done myself, no shame. Whoever did it just didn’t do the best job. Maybe it’s really fresh and it will settle in a week or so.

...said no one ever who’s actually had or known closely someone with a drinking problem (or an addiction of any kind, for that matter)

“Alcoholism is a disease. But it’s the only one you can get yelled at for having. Dammit Otto, you are an alcoholic! Dammit Otto, you have Lupus! One of those two doesn’t sound right.”

I guess I’m well within the twee liberal stereotype: The snowman segment is still one of my favorite things ever.

This is what Jesus probably wanted.

As someone who has listened to every episode, Petty Tyrant is absolutely the best episode of TAL. I relisten to it every year or so and it always fills me with an impending sense of dread, something this show is very capable of doing. Just listen to any of the multitude of episodes on the Afghanistan/Iraq wars and try

129 Cars and the summer camp episode were great, though.

“Keep distracting them NFC East while I shit the bed over here.”

If “gastrointestinal problems” are the only symptoms of E.Coli, Chipotle has given it to me for years now

Possible explanation: He’s concussed.

So, she found a psychologist from the Jenny McCarthy School of Fraudulent Science and Stupidity?

My mom is like this in a different way. She expects me to give her details about my sex life and when I didn't she threw a huge temper tantrum and called a psychologist. I'm 20. And the psychologist sided with her.

Now playing

Hey, all you people who so confidently proclaim that you can’t imagine how anyone could ever like Chipotle and it’s not real food:

That’s some pretty poor tackling by the team in yellow there...

I miss TLC. They didn’t fuck around when it came to singing about sex. These songs are good, but they are so couched in double entendres, I can’t help but think that it’s a step back for women in pop music. I’m not sure if it’s an apt comparison, but that’s my contribution.

It’s not “I’m farting carrots”?