
must. have.

"I hope you liked our rocket. We were saving it for a special occaision."

Dominic repeated some of the stuff Finch taught in "2πR" while in a classroom that looked eerily similar to the one Finch taught in.

A novel was supposed to happen, but it got kiboshed. You can see more about that upthread.

Don't be such an Ann hog.

You can blame CBS for all of this, as the producers have said several times that they had enough material for a couple more seasons, but CBS was giving them silence on their future. So they decided on their own to end it.

- Root's body was dug up for her cochlear implant, which Samaritan used to tap into their network to track their phones.
-She's speaking to the next version of herself downloaded from the satellite (who then calls Shaw)
-I believe it to be just Finch's hallucination from his injuries, and the other scenes with Amy Acker

There are a few characters and actors I really enjoy on the show, but it's definitely not on the same level as Person of Interest.

I think the only network TV non-comedy that I will watch by myself now is iZombie. I am not a big zombie genre fan, but I came to the show because Rob Thomas and my everlasting love for Veronica Mars.

Absolutely. Some big changes coming for me personally in September, but by the time it's on in October, I should be good to go!

It moved out of there pretty slow, it seemed. But I will happily imagine him pumping up and down on a hand cart Looney Tunes style to try to catch up.

And dragging Simmons in cuffs into the precinct. Perfect.

It's easier to carry one thing than 5 things!

All of my re-watches have been to introduce someone new to the show. Definitely up for it again!

Plus the awesome Fusco speech. Preceded by the awesome Simmons beatdown.

I'd upvote this 10 times if I could.

Yep definitely! Though I left her out since Cirion made it to S2.

I was sort of disappointed with the first Watch_Dogs since I was excited for "Person of Interest: The Game"

One of my favorite parts of that episode is that "Caroline Turing" is kept out of The Machine's POV shots for much of the episode, but when she is in them, she has a yellow box. Such a cool thing to have before really getting into the differences in how The Machine identifies people.

They've done this before too, showing younger Finch with his father, Samantha Groves in Texas playing Oregon Trail, and lots of other times before The Machine existed.