
Yep, though the way it was set up in that final scene with her, it will be Danny that gets Misty her new arm.

I don't think they'll shell out the money for RDJ, and it was very specific how Colleen talked about the hospital - state of the art and Danny owns it, he will take care of it, etc. It's gonna be through

I still want S2 of Luke Cage to be "Heroes for Hire" with Luke and Danny, and cancel S2 of Iron Fist and make it Daughters of the Dragon with Colleen and Misty.

I wish this was true and possible, but Rahul Kohli has mentioned before that one of the hardest things for them to do on set is pretend to be playing video games. They are always playing in front of a green screen, because they never know which game they will have the rights for during filming.

You're absolutely right. With any of the characters actively involved in the aftermath of Poussey's death, Watson really is the only one that makes complete sense to give this backstory to. Her race-related anger as a part of her character even goes back as far as S1 when the confrontation with Piper gets her sent to

I remember them mentioning "no chargers?" and the characters mentioned they didn't have power anyway.

Netflix this year has now given us a "Linda from Purchasing" episode and a "Linda from HR" episode in UKS

Didn't they already do that at the beginning of the season with Mercenary Major?

I hope that actually winning the Emmy will adjust some of the roles she is able to book.

I finally binged the show over the winter, and am super excited to watch it with everyone over the next several weeks. Since I caught up and finished the first four seasons right before Tatiana FINALLY won her Emmy, I will accept total credit and blame for the fact that she finally won / that it took this long.

I wish this were the case, but he will still have to go for supporting anyway. It doesn't matter what you're billed as in the credits.

Peggy Carter took care of that, luckily.

If only they had only served gin.

"And to make things less weird we say they got stolen by a demon that your parents knoooooooooooooooooow!"

It's about damn time. Very pleased to know that both this and iZombie will be on my television screen again next year.

You can always watch that Reno 911! episode when they were sibling spouses. :)

There's a lot of talk that she will be playing Alexander Bont, but as Alexandra.

I've liked him since The 4400 (when his name was even longer!) but I loved him the most on Luke Cage. I still have to see Moonlight, but I am so happy he's getting a lot of acclaim for his work,

Or she will teach Trish how to use those claws!

That's great! Just the Netflix originals, though, right?

And also worries me that she's going to be killed off in The Defenders.