
You reminded me of a TWOP moderator, site owner Glark. When someone posted using all lower case, Glark would delete the text and write “Your post could use some capitals” with a map like this:
Capital Cities of New England

I just want to Pelt Him with Random Capitalzations 

MAGA - My Attorney Got Arrested.

I amend: Being president is the beginning of the worst thing to happen to him, fingers crossed.

I grew up in that white/blonde/blue eyed suburban America—and then I got the fuck out because it was boring as shit. 

The movie about trump’s downfall could be titled: “Pecker and the Porn Star”

I recently gave up alcohol, due to some blood sugar issues (it happens when you get in your 40s, folks!) I drank my ass off in college, and when I was on the road with my band in my 20s. I slowed down after having kids, but I loved me a nice cocktail, expensive whiskey, and a summertime beer. I have none of it now,

over 71,000 U.S. men and 18,000 women died in alcohol-attributed deaths in 2016.

He’s so pretty but seems like such a douchebag. Like the guy who emotionally never left the frat house and posts about how much he lifts and stupid platitudes about staying motivated on Facebook because god forbid he have a real fucking emotion. Those are for snowflakes!

From the linked article:

If his current coterie hasn’t figured that out by now they deserve every tire track across their backs from the buses he’s going to fling them under.

If you need a hook to get the press interested in your campaign, why not take up, like, a soft shoe routine? Or wear a bedazzled shirt? Hell, the Rent is Too Damn High guy was a household personality enough that I, person not from New York and giving zero fucks about the NYC mayoral race, still remember him and his

Ugh. Enough already with the damn “this person has done a lot of good, therefore they could never have done anything wrong” letters. I can understand it’s hard to accept that a friend or idol might not be who you thought they were but keep your thoughts to yourself.

As somebody much more clever than I said, “it’s like watching my worst enemy drive off a cliff in my brand new Lamborghini.”

It’s hilarious how all of these liars, backstabbers, and thieves are shocked when the other liars, backstabbers, and thieves stab them in the back, lie and steal from them.

Omarosa is releasing these tapes like their singles off her new album and honestly, I would not be surprised if she releases an actual album in the coming weeks. 

Piling on the above, maintaining clearance for former officials is highly important for our national security. We need to pull in former agents and officials regularly to provide proper context about present situations, and it’s difficult to have an actual discussion when one side (current / active government

For real. I try to have patience. But it’s so hard not to cringe when the daily political roundup sounds like pre-woke Teen Vogue.

I love when Kellyanne tried to get her conversation off the record when she was criticizing her husband.  I don’t think that marriage is going to survive this presidency.  

Ok, I decided to read the Kellyanne Conway piece. Her bullshit about “I’m doing what the feminists say is the right thing to do” makes me want to slap her. Simply having a highly visible, rich-person job and not letting your husband’s opinion affect who you work for is not the end-all be-all of feminism. This bitch is