
I feel like trump needs to watch some School House Rock. Not only would he learn how a bill become a law, he also might learn about the English language. Whether any of it would stick would be a different story. =/

sounds like a dessert i couldnt afford from a trendy bakery 

Finally, Sarah Hucakbee Sanders of the distinguished Huckabee lineage who for sure did not get this job because of who her dumb father is finally tells the truth.

I’m outraged that this post is about a faux-stealing controversy (Juvia’s Place didn’t invent the 3x3 palette. There’s been tons of similar looking palettes floating around at least a decade or two before that brand was launched) and not about Bella’s horrible decision to pair baby blue eye shadow with crayon red

His name is Brock O’Hurn, and he is as if someone spliced genetic material from Momoa and Hemsworth to create the ultimate Instagram thirst trap.

I mean, the obvious answers to your questions are no and yes. And it’s not really even about the risk, if you ask me. It’s more a question of whether or not you want to be a third party in this relationship as it goes down the crapper. No, no you do not. What you’ve described, (illicit texting, secret messaging app

Mr. Onionsboy, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may

I have to admit, I never though John Kelly could last for an entire year - he seemed way too intelligent to fit in. Turns out racism can really bond people together.

Yes please. And I swear to God, if I see that meme again about politics being like rooting for sports teams and both sides are idiots, I’ll have to investigate self-harm. I was registered non partisan or independent for 18 years in 3 different states. My own country radicalized me. Bush wasn’t bad enough, we had to

Hopefully standing up to the Church remains a habit for them.

Good lord. After the birth of my fourth healthy baby, I felt unwell with a blinding headache. I was in one of the busiest and best birthing hospitals in the country. I told the nurse, they ignored me. I started to swell in my legs, they ignored me. I felt amazing in terms of the actual birth, once the headache

No, life with two toilets is superior especially if you have more than 3 people living in your house. I am an expert in this regard because I married a slow pooper, who is the son of a slow pooper, and spawned a slow pooper.

The good samaritan who smashed Donald Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star with a pickaxe has turned himself in and was charged with felony vandalism.”

Noooo, Friends with Benefits was the good one. It was surprisingly funny and actually poignant. I know, shocker. No Strings Attached was the horrible one.

Didnt they claim to have started as a FWB type of thing?

Makes me feel very good about Cedar Point, as I spent many a lovely day there as a child in ‘70s.

Also did someone not give Meghan the color scheme? Everyone is in white or a blue, for goodness sakes they even matched Charlotte’s shoes to her father’s and Uncle’s ties.

The more I see of Charlotte the more I realise the girl’s got a lot of spunk. I see her easily fulfilling the role of troublemaking secon—child royal in the future and I can’t wait to hear all about it.