
I was bummed Jon didn’t say, “Hey, I already know how to ride a dragon.”

Now playing

BTW. If anyone is confused by Brexit (in addition to 60 million+ Brits) - Sam Bee and Amy Hoggart have an explainer here:

It never f*cking did. 

Fork me, great tweet. I just shirt my pants.

I thought maybe she is just trying to get out from under her sister’s shadow....

you are right to be afraid of the truth.  i blame disney for making inanimate objects have feelings.  i felt guilty not playing with toys equally.

Because they are fiscally responsible. Same reason Bieber uses coupons on his tattoos and books the apprentice in the shop whenever possible. 

There are some cultures, I believe mostly Middle Eastern cultures, in which the idea of a dog as a pet or service animal is considered unclean so members of those communities use minihorses as service animals instead of dogs.

I do not know who the hell Demi Moore thinks she is. 

Drinking, I would think.

She remembers all the details of her allegedly unhappy childhood, but can’t recall how the great romance of her life started? Because it was so long ago? Sure Jan.

God rn on Miller:

Is Watch out, everyone. He is going to write the real book...

Let’s not forget that Pluto’s demotion was partially due to his egregious mistreatment of Proserpina. Yes, I know, times were different back then, but we’re finally starting to hold powerful men and gods accountable for how they’ve treated women, and I think it’s appalling that a feminist site like Jezebel would


Only slightly more of a disaster than actually wearing it.

Don’t forget the humidity and subway sweat!

I put my hair in a loose bun on top of my head for sleeping. That keeps the bird’s best under control. I might spritz with some water and then scrunch it a little the next day if it’s startung to look like a frizzy mess.

I just love that Neutrogena Dry touch sunscreen. It’s one of the very few truly excellent products I have used in my 40+ years of buying every kind of miracle crap under the sun.