
I’m a life-long east coast dweller. My work has recently offered me a relocation to our San Diego office that I am seriously contemplating. My biggest obstacle is that I don’t think my liver could handle 16+ weeks of football starting at 10 am...No idea how you all do it.

I have off on Monday and am now relieved that instead of spending the entire day wasted and crying after the Steelers break my heart, I can get piss ass drunk at night the way GOD intended!

There should be a word for “laughter that turns into a soft, steady sob.” Because I feel like I’m going to be doing that a lot over the next four years.

Yep. Can still hear the helicopters from my apartment in Fishtown. I had no idea this was going on; I may have joined them.

My question as a Steelers fan is, should I be pissed they lost or happy they didn’t get blown out?

Definitely true. I’m not much of a runner, but I have been doing boot camp classes in an open air garage for a few months. Once summer rolled around all the progress I had made went out the window as far as my endurance was concerned. I was convinced I was dying until one of my friends pointed out that people are way

Was thinking the same thing. I grew up in a house on the Magothy river, and went swimming all the time. Only problems we ever had were the fucking jellyfish.

Yep same. Although in the summer, I usually opt for a mid-afternoon peach or a banana if I’m working out later. Once you get used to snacking on fruit, all that processed shit is deeply unsatisfying.

I’m currently grilling out at my house in Fishtown and there are currently two people outside screaming about garbage cans? I can’t catch it all (I speak English, you see). Why would I want to live anywhere else?


I have always been concerned about ceviche. I do really like it, but something about not using heat to cook shellfish really squicks me out.

I don’t. Do you have any idea how much over-the-counter allergy medicine fucking costs? (and doesn’t really work).

Also, your user name is everything.

Exactly. They contradict the shit out of themselves. If marriage was only a religious institution and the state wasn’t involved, there’d be no need for the SCOTUS vote in the first place!

I was away at college in PA when that happened. I came home for Christmas break and ended up having an existential crisis about how everything was changing and I couldn’t control it.

I had to stop going to the Subway across the street from the Navy Yard Metro station...

“Seymour! The house is on fire!”

The first 10 seasons of The Simpsons are a nothing less than a shining beacon of human ingenuity.

I’m not an IPA whore, but goddamned if that Corruption isn’t one of the best I’ve ever had. Pairs amazingly well with a burger - might have to go grab a 6 pack after work tonight.