cob racy

She’s the General formerly known as Organa.

Why cue them? Who are they? What if the voices who aroused and invoked them died out?

I thought that, too. But it could be a character thing/makes sense that she wouldn’t want to go by her adopted last name, nor the name she shares with Luke and Vader.

That fucker made us eat the apple and lose paradise. MUST PAY!!!

Fuck snakes!

How many giant killer Rattlesnakes have to die before we start getting serious about gun control in this country?

Kris is 60 now and was 20 in 1985, so she has a time-machine Delorean to have put on the other ten years?

The joke is “10,000 restaurant altercations,” no?

Also, funny how Tarantino doesn’t respond for a couple of days, and press from cops shooting kids in the front seat of a car, and this G.I. Joker are there to fill the vacuum. Law Enforcement in this country is in an epic state of self-denial.

Let’s boycott her Facebook videos!

Star Trek: Anthology.

What is it called when my Jewish psychiatrist calls me (not Jewish) neurotic? Note: We live in NYC...

Fucking cosigned.

Luke looks like Obi-Wan, reveal will be similar to hood throwback from Ep IV, so any appearance before that in trailers spoils a cool movie reveal (though totally unsurprising).


And, you go ahead and pretend that I ever claimed that.

Are you really unaware of how incredibly groundbreaking I Spy was?

You’re talking about Fat Albert, right? Or The Bill Cosby Show? Or Cosby?

Not really. Leo didn’t break any barriers. Casting a young, cute kid to prop up a flailing, aging show was not groundbreaking or socially challenging.

Partly because they should be filing every quarter as Independent Contractors or businesses, unlikely they are making the proper withholdings, then if they try to file just at the end of the year they’re hit with a huge bill they haven’t saved for.