cob racy

I want this.

I’m pretty sure it was on TV. I don’t understand filming something that’s already on TV.

As a little kid, every time I stared into a fire pit or fireplace, I imagined Darth Vader’s burning mask. I watched a lot of fire, and that image in the trailer hit me with a lifetime of emotion.

You will believe a man can jump.

Problems in the black community have more to do with old white guys than they do with... what are you saying exactly??

Thank you, I’ve been advocating for firing the entire staff ever since after I advocated for the Iraq War, back in 2004.

They actually had five different make-up artists independently designing Joker’s makeup, then they will hire a new make-up artist the day before shooting.

Still, I think the guy’s got a point. You ever read sports reporting? It’s as bad as business reporting! And political reporting!

I used to watch Bill Pullman’s speech every 4th of July. “Perhaps it’s fate that today is the 4th of July...”

Whenever dickwads get in an argument, the first thing they love to do is call the other person fat. -Fat person.

The best part is, trying to decide whether to fight for your artistic integrity or your career, before you’ve had your cup of coffee!

Dinosaurs returned to Earth from hyperspace.

I have social anxiety just reading this shit!

I am positive that there are other, better ways to write out your grievances about being alienated from your family because of your swinging sex life, than 140 characters at a time.

Have you ever watched him? Show me a clip where noted atheist Bill Maher accuses someone of being anti any religion.

Couple times. And I went to Mount Rushmore both times. Smaller than I thought it would be but it’s awesome. One of my favorite places.

I saw Robocop as a 10-year old at a midnight showing, opening weekend, with my 9-year old next-door neighbor and his 19-year old half-brother. Their dad was a State Senator. The perfect circumstances!

It really depends on your balls!

My thoughts exactly!

Damn right about Hera and Sabine. My 4-year old boy is in love with Rebels and has been begging for these two since the show started. Good luck finding these ladies for sale anywhere, though.