cobra, brah!

heck, if basketball doesn’t work out, somewhere, there’s a cat stuck in a tree and an Antoine Walker on an empty stomach

“Oi, my apologies for those utterly distasteful images.... filthy lucre that, anyways, where were we? ahhh right, so, if you’re having your dick sucked by a dog......”

Hayne: Today I have a presentation for you about a very important issue. Cyberbullying.

Monfils later proved the old saying correct by losing two arguments to the clock.

When asked for his opinion on the revoked offer, Holtz said, “muhhhh buhhhh fruhhhh suhhh”

at least these Scots controlled their own destiny when it came to leaving Europe

dude also complained about getting a poor signal on his phone. and ya thought the female gymnasts were the only ones who dealt with uneven bars

Joe Girardi: “Correa should have stayed on the white lines”

this article vaguely reminds me of my college football related granny sex erotic fan fiction story titled “Poor effort see Ol’ Miss bust a Nutt”

when reached for comment, Borring’s estranged wife said, “Keller does things my ex wouldn’t, like eat my ass and let the kids watch.”

I’m glad the other guy took the W, if only because i have no idea how to pronounce Wgwiazdowski

Similarly, when the Sixers traded Shawn Bradley to the Nets for Derrick Coleman, DC said he was happy with the missionary’s position.

Two aliens discuss plans for artificially fabricating a human to serve as chairman and CEO of NASCAR

Erin Andrews returns to ESPN after months of humiliation

a poem for jeb:

Despite their differences, both guys went home after the match and had their dicks sucked by dogs.

I don't know. I think maybe the world's saddest Nets fan is the one taking the picture.

It would have been 64 but he rimmed out a five footer.

So she really will forget more basketball than I know.