either the celica or the stratos from Sega Rally - but only because the Testarossa was taken
either the celica or the stratos from Sega Rally - but only because the Testarossa was taken
So you didnt read the article and somehow think sanctimony and arrogance will make you look .....I dont even know what you’re trying to do with those words. You just seem mad that someone pointed out you had missed a sentence.
I came to read about Le Mans. I wouldn’t find that on a football site. I think you’re confused.
You are commenting on an article posted by a woman. Say hello to the late 90s for me though. I’m sorry you still feel the need to carry ID in your wallet that proves your masculinity to people, it must be a burden.
I like motor racing. Just because I have thought about things a little longer than you have does not mean I am “on the wrong site”.
It is inherently uneventful. If endurance racers took a lot of risks they would be bad at their jobs. Most of the passing for the lead happened in the pits.
Over 24 hours lots of things happen. However it is not exciting on a minute by minute basis and those channel hopping will skip right past it
Also “[Le Mans] is arguably the most important event in international motorsport. Sure, some people will argue otherwise, and they’re wrong. There’s a significant American contingent here.”
“Why not send the fans watching whatever’s in overtime to a station showing pre-recorded programming instead of another live event? They’re the ones already hooked on seeing it through to the end. “
This is the whiniest thing I’ve seen in a while. The game went a little over its alotted time and interrupted an…
Please point out the part where he ‘attacked the victim’.
You should really add the video of a head of nestle discussing why water should not be considered a human right. I cant (the video is referred to in the article but not linked) but here is some more info on the company's stance. http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-privatisat…
Are you the cop who judged the old guy in the parking lot - who hit 7 cars switching between reverse and accelerating several times - to have had a case of 'unintended acceleration'?
They refused to play them because its a stupid idea to actively put thousands of supporters who hate each other into a big metal box together. Watch any eastern-european international game and tell me that it shouldn't be exclusively behind closed doors. They are in europe for fan safety and the fact they can play…
If some psycho is maliciously chasing you in a WRX, the last thing they will do is pull over and get out of their 2 tonne safety box.
If you're doing 100 in a residential area you should be arrested. Being brake checked doesn't excuse you from endangering others.
Like pull over?
No, this is on you - "there were speeds over 100". Slow down. You're endangering others.
It's ok to be wrong
I feel like no-one has taken the internet more seriously than you just did.
No Ronin? This is a bad list