
I'm glad you have grown up and decided to end your 1984-esque self-censorship. It makes me happy that I can change people like you for the better. Though I think your math is lacking. I make up entirely 50% of this conversation. Unless of course you have DID which would explain your to-ing and fro-ing over certain

I'm not going to enable someone who uses profanities and makes token efforts to censor them at the same time. Maybe back in your good ol' days when America had a backbone and was all about lynchings I would have, but not today good sir.

........and the swastika is a tibetan luck symbol. Pull your head out of your ass

Ah, good to know.How about ye olde NB? Specifically the 10ae with ac/cruise/6spd/etc

The guy says that sticking a wankel engine gives the NA 50:50 weight distribution...... which it had already. Slightly confused

You have no idea what tarring and feathering was used for do you?

I dont see how 'having a spine' and 'racial subjugation' are the same thing

That isn't my reason. My reason is she is written as a moron. Try reading a chapter or two. Also I'm going to hop on the pedant train right now. There are no instances of Arya thinking about sex in the series. If you haven't read the books why are you even a fan?

So we can agree that her being a moron has nothing to do with her being a woman then, great.

Has nothing to do with her being a woman. She's written as a moron who makes stupid decisions, like kidnapping the princess of the kingdom with no real plan, and enlisting the help of a man she knows will betray her because he is attractive.

Yes thats exactly what I mean, thank you for your pedantry

All I got from this post is that you haven't actually read any Arianne chapters. Intelligent? She's an idiot who spends most of her time contemplating who to fuck next. There are entire paragraphs devoted to her to-ing and fro-ing over whether to sleep with people she KNOWS are flat-out evil.

I take it you didn't ask him why he still races given his history of deliberately endangering spectators for the good of his team?

Or they could just check the phone number

Noone will care in 3 days time

Panda's have the same birth rates as other large bears

Thats pretty irrelevant and frankly not a statement you can make. Its a crime for a very good reason, and should not be trivialized by people claiming she is being charged for 'dating' someone

My point was that she isnt being charged with a felony for 'dating'. The article title is deliberately misleading.

she faces felony charges for sexual battery of a minor. Not 'dating'.