
I've heard it most of my's usually when you do a OE-style upgrade that makes it better than stock (like putting A8 brakes or wheels on an A4), but would otherwise not be noticed by non-enthusiasts. It's a great ethic, IMHO. Far better than stancing/etc

AMG doesn’t need you. AMG will drive off in a hail of tire smoke.

Do the humans send a self driving car back into the past during the great Mustang/Human war of 2023 to crash into and total the first self-aware Google car?

There sure are

You come up alongside a car and intentionally flip its mirror, you deserve to get plowed.

I’m wondering the same about you unless your objective is to declare your stupidity and/or troll the forum.

Yeah, if Toyota had had this data they would have never been besmirched for morons being morons.

This really made my night. You got roasted and you refused to give up. It’s really sad.

I’m pretty sure you’re either retarded, or a troll. It’s more fun to imagine that you’re retarded, so I’m sticking with that. Good for you being social on the internet, despite your disability.

No doubt yet another one of many things you’ll never know or understand.

you’re an idiot. And clearly not a lawyer

I’ve never seen anyone lose an argument *this* convincingly and still keep insisting they’re correct. Congratulations, in a world of stubborn morons, you truly stand out!

I wanted to give it a chance, and I kind of thought it was okay, but after writing this, I realize just how bad it really is.

But when you blame their systems for the crash they have a right to defend themselves. There is long his history of people blaming cars for unintended acceleration when it was case of the foot on the wrong pedal .


The one good thing about when my 4runner was stolen and crashed into a tree is that the perp left an imprint of his face in the windshield.

Ha ha. Make a 2 door 3-series and call it the Grand Sedan for no fucking reason at all.

4-door version of a 2-door version of a 4-door car. Insanity.

Someone stole my precious 89 MKIII Supra one day. Wife and I drove around all day looking for it, but I gave up and decided to buy another that same day. So I did! Took home a 92 with a known blown headgasket and I parked it right in front of my wife’s 86.5 Supra, removing the battery and spark plug wires first.