
most cars in the past couple years have this feature. It's not enough. You should have your signal light on, for your intention to change lanes, a moment to make sure they are clear, and then move into the other lane. The signal should turn off when you are fully in the new lane. The 3 quick blinks the auto feature

Good thing the doctor doesn't drive a BMW...he'd have no idea what the foreign object was!

You think that's bad? Wait until autonomous cars start hitting the road. All those sensors will basically make the thing go crazy. Adaptive cruise control and collision warning are bad enough now, autonomous cars will make them effectively useless.

Keep on raisin that deck lid....

As a former IS300 owner, I highly recommend them to anyone. Swiss watch reliable, fast enough to be fun without getting into a lot of trouble, plethora of aftermarket parts, looks that have aged pretty well and with the right exhaust they sound absolutely sublime. I also loved that mine was the only Imperial Jade

[wur; unstressed wer; British also wair]

or vaporize your clutch slipping it the entire distance. I often have to wait for the one guy that can drive stick to pull my car in.

"Wan fifty four BANNNNG"

" original viewing audience who will have reached the end of their life expectancy by the time the next iPhone rolls out." Y'know, I saw that movie in the theatre and I've got about another 30 years to go. Stop making assumptions, you snot nosed little whippersnapper.

I've seen many classic cars listed purposely overpriced for what I call the "Honey, I tried to sell it but the economy is down. Oh well, I guess I'll have to keep it for a few more years \_O_/" move by guys facing pressure by the significant other to sell a prized possession.

Well he should relax. How long can this thing actually run without a Ford dealership around anyway?

Just a thought: we all know mods don't add value, and sometimes even diminish the value of cars.

Jesus, somebody circumcise that thing!

Cousin photo-bomb.

Everyone familiar with Irvine knows that fun is strictly prohibited there.

+1 on this.

The Irvine Company is almost a dictatorship of the city of Irvine. Apparently, if you live in Irvine, and you are a "homeowner," you are still not the land owner, the glorious owners of Irvine were just nice enough to loan you the land you built your house on.....Which has to be painted an approved shade of beige.

Good! Fuck Irvine! I would say move to El Toro base, but Irvine Company is building chicken shit box's over there too. The "construction" workers might complain about sweet engine noise's......

Solution: avoid Virginia at all costs.

Not when it's not completely out of the realm to pull up next to a 250 GTO... as I have once. (Drive to a gas station early Saturday morning in Newport Beach and you're bound to be amazed, with people either coming from or going to CNC)