
So this Tedd Rudd was born in 1976, took up base jumping and died in 2011 whilst jumping.

What? There are tons of almost nude photos of Grace Park on line?

Agreed. Portable game systems are fun and had their use when there was nothing else to do. You are 15 and have to visit family with the parents: when cell phones did not excist (or only dumb phones excisted): boy you are very happy you had your game boy with you. 1 hour on the train: hmm let me fire up that PSP. Your

and not one reference to The Fog (1980 original one by John Carpenter, not the crappy remake)? You disappoint me Gizmodo ...

I wouldn't be that sure. A lot of people seem to be ok with a 1.2 trillion ANNUAL deficit. That's about 10% of your island right there...

Totally agree with you. Matt has really gone out of his way to find the most intense uses for his computer and internet connection. And then he complains about it being slow... Prioritise Matt. Download the smallest game and then play that one while the others are being downloaded. Doing a back up to te cloud? That is

Firstly there must be a huge difference between USA and Europe (well Belgium). I am really amazed on how many people you know who had severe head injuries while on a bike. I know none and my father who is an amateur cyclist (you know the ones who do like 400km training a week and call that a light regime) knows of

There is no way to knowing if their injuries would have been more severe without the helmet.

'All it takes is falling sideways into a curb or a parked car'

If I'm ever struck by a car I am going to be pretty mad at the driver of said car and the manufacturer of the car.

Wow, a lot of people fall on their head in the USA...

ok, what's your point? Seems to me the helmet didn't do a very good job in protecting your wife. I mean those are some serious injuries.

lol, just yesterday evening me and the wife discussed a cheap tablet for the kitchen: to check out recipes and internet radio and such. I was thinking of going for some cheap chinaware tablet but now this comes along, mmmh nice. Also great to take to the beach and such (not taking my transformer anywhere near sand).

if I remember correctly we will get ICS also

Daily mail = please insert truck loads of salt. Also, 'at any time' in geological terms = anything between now and the next 500 years.

Unfortunately yes.

Ruthless corporate guy 1: ‘Hey, let’s put a large metal structure that generates electricity in salt water several hundreds off miles from the closest electricity users!’

Skydrive is indeed very good. And yet I always forget to use it, still lugging USB-sticks with me everywhere ....

On a related note: Samsung always has the finest looking models to fondle their gadgets (of curse I always had a weakness for nice looking asian girls ...). Lets call them ultramodels ...

HAL, I won't argue with you anymore! Open the doors!