
'Because looking like a watch checking Heathen' is so much beter? I rarely check my phone (not for missed texts or for the time) so I doubt somebody will ever call me a phone checking heathen. But the functionality stays the same. If I was in a meeting and sombody checks their phone every 5 min I would find him rude

hmm, You see I have this thing called a mobile phone. I carry it with me everywhere. And when I look at it, it shows me the time. I can even set an alarm on it or use it as a chronometer. And if I want some eye candy I just download a new wallpaper for it. It's very nifty. So paying 425 for a watch or buying a new

I am starting to get a deja vu back to when netbooks first came to the scene.

Dear Darpa/MIT

It depends. We needed a second computer. Something portable. We could have bought a laptop. But I also like the watch downloaded episodes in bed late at night. Doing that with a laptop is not very practical. The Eee Transformer gave us the best of both worlds: with the keyboard dock if we need to type a lot, just the

I have the first Transformer and am very happy with. It works great and Asus is doing a very good job in updating it (have had android 3.2 since october and we are promised to get 4.0 also).

I read some about this subject. Yeah it's going to take at elast another 30 years so the good nes is we are going to live for a long time, the bad nes is we are going to be old for a loooong time. Here is hoping for the singularity so in time we can transfer our conscious to a brand new robot-body because not looking

"Being God is totally overrated." - Steve Jobs

Depends, is your grandfather still alive?

Live nation and ticket master are the same company; Ad they now have about 85% of the market. Yes there are others but thay are much smaller and often don't have the 'big name' artists

If there is one company that needs to be smashed over the head by the disruptive force of a google or amazon, it is ticketmaster. How come amazon has a system through which they can sell me a book owned by a third party for 15 dollar and still make money of it and ticketmaster feels the need to add 7 dollar (7

This "Mothers' Union" obviously has not taken into account that the average Christian dad also likes his naughty sites. Since the block is at the ISP level: dad will opt in, hence opening it up for the kids.

A brain/machine interface hmmmm. I can't see anything going wrong with that ....

I'm with you on that one!

You forgot about robots controlling monkeys

Apperently more or less the same way you get a human to play a videogame via his toughts (although with implants).

Which is still better then the rest of the world. In africa they will still be using wooden prosthetic limbs. In Russia they will still have the, hard polyester prosthetics and in Japan, mmh, ok Japan might have us beat in this department ...