
And what might be your 'approved' picture of a scientist? Is their a certain appearance scientists need to adhere to so you can accept them?

Try it, most cats love it.


I kinda like these unfinished 'trippy' images. They would work great in a sci fi movie, fringe, ....

I guess you haven't done a lot off home renovating in your live?

I see several reasons to be concerned:

2 billion, the price is two billion. No more, no less!

You would be surprised how many machines still run DOS, or a 30 year old version of unix.

Give it two years and you'll be able to buy it at half the price. The evolution in digital camera's is becoming crazy. Have a good look around and you can now find the mark II for 1500 USD or less. Still a lot of money but at least close to the affordable level ...

So what happens with the space capsule after he jumps? Does it also fall back to earth? And if so, does it have its own parachutes to land somewhat safely (so it can be reused/doesn't smash in some house) or have they made it so that it will land in an ocean?

Where does it say all of those functions will be dead? I read the link to the windows team blog you provide and nowhere in that text I have read that the functions you list will not work.

The more I read about stuff like this the more I realise we actually know very little about how the human body works. Well we now how, but not why it does what it does and how come there are such big difference between people in metabolism rate or building of muscle, intelligence … Even within the same family you can

Risk management is actually a lot more important - and dangerous - than picking stock. With picking stocks you can limit the amount and product he is trading thus limiting the potential loss. Make an error in risk management and sometimes the problems will only become visible years later (thus giving it the time to

I was thinking the same thing. Buy the comic books with cash, sell them via on line auctions where the buyer pays into your bank account and voila you just got 'official' money. Also moving it to another state is easy. If a cop stops you with 500,000 dollar in cash in your car you have some explaining to do, but a big

I doubt that. Real dogs need training, upkeep and a human handler (who needs to be paid a wage). And then you need to find a decent home for it after his usefull years. If you can mass produce these things, the cost would probably be below 10.000 USD. Over their entire life span a real dog will most definitely cost

Power? A banana peel and a half empty beer can will suffice!

Should we really devote the time and effort of two special agents to this? Between, let's say catching a few pedophiles or retrieve some pieces of rock that have been stolen 40+ years ago and will go into some storage container back at NASA never to be seen again I would think this to be a very, very low priority.

‘a CEO that came from the front lines’ ???

Love this! At my company they are obsessed with the big stuff i.e. we use 10 different programs that each have there own small and big mistakes in them. This is inefficiënt so we devise the MASTER PLAN: all ten programs will be replaced by 1 new, shiny program incorporating all of them. A massive undertaking that

English is my fourth language (Dutch, French, German) so, sorry I made a spelling mistake. I am sure I will make lots more in the many, many, many years to come. But I am ok with that. More important: how is your French Mr Markuz?