Buddy Guy with John Mayer at Summerfest
Buddy Guy with John Mayer at Summerfest
UPDATE: Le Batard not on today’s show.
“This is great, let’s show none of it.”
D&D only submitted one episode in the writing category knowing the Academy would not leave them out of one of the big categories in its final season, even in the category that was the show’s weakest element. They submitted the finale, which they wrote themselves, and locked in a nomination almost instantly. They…
Agreed. There were one of two seasons where JLD winning it was frustrating, but this final season was one of the best from her. She has to win it again, if solely for the speech she gives Amy at the convention in the finale.
Usually a show snaps up a writing or directing nod early in its run before garnering attention late. That happened to The Americans with the exception of Margo Martindale constantly winning Guest Actress.
This, but for Lena Headey, who should have won one years ago but didn’t, and now is hoping to win one for a season in which she was given nothing to do.
He’s the GOAT, and he continues to prove us wrong by playing deep into his 30’s, but after a match like that in THIS tournament... how on Earth does Federer recover from this?
Man, must be tough to be continually harassed like this.
I prefer the UK ending to the US ending. Not only did it make more thematic sense to the feel of the movie, it actually tied together all the cut scenes of the daughter with the birthday cake.
And this clip cuts off the first half of the take, too. Master class filmmaking right here.
The Descent got great critical response and has a pretty strong cult following now, but I still don’t think the first Final Destination got fully appreciated for how clever it was as a story. It’s more remembered as the film that launched all those other ones. But it’s very rare for the typical teenage slasher flick…
That was quite the sound.
Pretty much any scene from The Descent, but I’ll go with the night vision camera bit. Even though that scene was plastered over the promotions for it, it still was mortifying. Still the most terrifying theater-going experience I’ve had, and the theater was pretty full so it created a pulsating dread that I haven’t…
I think part of the rush was the schedules of the actors and how these are all high-demand actors. Lining up time to get this together would be a challenge even before you add a Meryl Streep. Vallée likely took the Sharp Objects job not anticipating a season two, so HBO went to Arnold.
Qwhite the situation here.
All I want is five delicious sets thanks
He currently has the longest-running late night talk show at nearly a decade.
And it had been generations since the original so there were plenty of people unfamiliar with the story, and those that grew up with it were of an age where seeing a different spin on it is a novelty. Comparatively, Lion King is very recent, and the vast majority of the public still has strong recollections of the…
So a D+ on the A.A. Dowd scale means that it’s probably a C.