Smoothies By Giannis

That’s why Spielberg’s War of the Worlds ends with, like, bacteria saving people. What a stupid fucking ending. If they had had any balls, they would have just ended the movie with mankind being wiped out entirely. Audiences would have ADORED it.

It’s an episode recap.  Spoilers are more than implied/.

The Aketcha episode was far and away the best of the year because of how much it felt like a Lost episode.  Everything else Westworld has done has been so needlessly complicated that I couldn’t have cared less when nearly all these characters ‘died’.

Stubbs is either a host or had instructions from Ford with what was happening.

Well, nearly every answer in that interview makes me super queasy for season three.

-Please tell a linear story next season please. The time shift was just fucking maddening, and the payoff as to why they did it (Charlotte being Dolores) didn’t pay off enough because they did the shifting so infrequently and confusingly that it didn’t land. And in those time shifts to ‘present day,’ we didn’t even

Yes, I can tell the difference between a movie franchise that’s mailed it in since 1997 and a movie franchise that’s mailed it in since 2011.

It doesn’t look like anything to me.

We need an intervention for people who make excuses for these movies being anything better than Transformers movies.

Saying that out loud I find that funnier.  Thanks!

Just how many beer farts have been drilled into those La-Z-Boy’s?

It was Stanton’s first walk-off as a Yankee. Cool story.

It’s ridiculous that geography is the biggest advtange or disadvantage to winning a title, in this and any other sport. Divisions only exist to sell extra merchandise, not to determine the best teams.

A season this long shouldn’t come down to one game or even five games. NBA and NHL playoffs last too long, MLB playoffs aren’t long enough.

Best-of-three wild card, potential day-night doubleheader for games two and three. WC1 chooses if they want game one or the doubleheader at home.

He’s the Barry Sanders of baseball. Years of ineptitude will wear Trout down and he’ll retire early because the franchise around him is a dumpster.

Might need to lock Coach’s phone in the equipment shed the next few days.

Because the writing hasn’t developed her this season. She started the year vengeful and callous, she’s heading into the finale that way. In between we’ve seen her do cruel things to humans/other hosts that haven’t done anything other than tell us what we already know from the season one finale... she’s pissed and

I thought that was a joke at first. Then Emily actually took her hat off and looked at it. That’s really committing to the part if someone leaves their hat on at all times in this park, particularly when they’re violently sexing a robot.

So many good moments in this episode, but they all just kind of floated there. It’s a great follow-up to last week’s episode, which is maybe the best the show has ever done, because it shows how good this show can actually be focusing on these characters. But it was all just cobbled together in this one.