Smoothies By Giannis

Who let you back in the house?

*deep breath*

‘Big, Scopey Lad’ is also what I call my proctologist.

Ran after that thing like he was eluding insider trading charges.

His honorary degree from Baylor is in the mail.

*evil laugh*

What a glorious run it was having the Lakers be aggressively irrelevant.

A spokesperson replied, “Wocka Wocka! That’s some good fucking!”

That ‘Alpha’ trailer looks straight out of 1994.


This is crazy!

An honest question from someone who is not well-versed in the legal system or, well, sexual assault...

I’ve been rewatching ‘The Office’ on Netflix, and most people point to Carell’s departure/James Spader’s arrival as the downturn of the show. But to me, it was right around Idris Elba’s guest appearance that marked the start, not just because of him.

Never forget.

No error, just fielders choice to put Cain on.

“Awe-inspiring. Sparkling. Wondrous.”

So, Arizona hit a Pirate to lead off the 7th, down 5-0, and Pittsburgh thought that was intentional?

The Leftovers.

I’ve been basking in this comeback for a day-and-a-half now.

You would love to see this guy in a huge park like Petco or Coors rather than the bandbox in Cincinnati. Feel like he could have done a barrel of damage in a place with a cavernous outfield.