Also: my steroid suspicion seems demonstrated. Benches 600? That’s deca for ye.
Also: my steroid suspicion seems demonstrated. Benches 600? That’s deca for ye.
I would have been out of my mind if this happened in my suburban, lily white high school.
I see 2 reactions to this:
This will be even more awesome if he drops the whole Fellowship of Christian Athletes schtick and embraces his role as the heel of the UFC.
Slurp, slurp.
Will Presumably Claim Whatever Titles He Wants
it would be a smart move on the person who punched to come in and tell his side before we get the victim and hear his side.
I feel like the Muscle Hamster is just spinning his wheel on this one
Sure. What’s wrong with being against a particular piece of legislation anyway? Isn’t it discriminatory to treat someone differently based on their opinions?
HAHAHA. Tell me where, oh purveyor of mean places? Stormfront? Facebook?
Yeah, yeah...I’m so upset that some guy doesn’t agree with my politics...We should get all upset and make him apologize for the horrific thought-crimes unheard of in our group-think tank. Hate Donation!
Then he dumped a giant bucket of mayonnaise.
Rob Ford’s Darryl Strawberry impression was much more spot-on.
Thinking a white man killing black people for explicitly white supremacist reasons is “not just a black or white issue” is simply nonsense. Decoupling racist actions from the history of white supremacist violence is naive at best and dangerously and irresponsibly minimizing of the poisonous power of racism at worst.
I don’t know. Cackalaka football has never been any good. Spurrier is BY FAR the best coach in their history. And when he’s done; he’s done. He walked away from $15 million when he left Washington because he wasn’t having fun.
If he is retiring halfway through the season, that’s not a good sign, I’m a little worried about his health.