No Thang but a Chicken Wang

Why is deadspin so invested in defending millenials?

That’s the same copout every man gets when he kills women, or every white dude gets when he kills minorities. He was a student of white supremacy from South Carolina to Rhodesia, and had easy access to guns. That’s why and how he killed nine people. Plenty of mentally ill people aren’t racist extremists. And there are

Is it possible to agree and disagree with your article? Great piece but I take issue with bringing up the shooting in SC. That guy was extremely mentally ill just like the guy who shot the white reporters in Virginia.

Pictured: A Bear, whose world is governed by strength, that has zero fucks to give about your goddamn kayak.

This could not have happened to a better candidate. Christ, she's obnoxious.

Such incredible ignorance to so insultingly paint an entire gender with such a broad brush.

Clearly he meant Asian women.

I don’t know, Barry. Pushing the Super Bowl back to accommodate the NFL’s biggest event would be incredibly controversial.

Just can’t find his vault

Who do you believe is the Bantomweight champion, out of curiosity? Cruz never lost the belt.

Oh great! I needed another article from the sports world trying to convince me that a total shit human being is a great guy!

After rightly going after the UFC and Belfort for their bullshit regarding his test, why are you so dead set on carrying Jones’ water still? The UFC handled both cases with equal shadiness, and Jones’ behavior comes across as even worse than Belfort’s, especially if he did actually hide under the cage when the tester

Oh wow, another deadspin article on how awesome jon Jones is.

Putting “champion” in quotes is so needlessly condescending. DC won the REAL belt, not an interim championship. The actual championship. He is the actual champion and if Jon Jones would like the belt back, perhaps he can take some time out of his life to stop being a cokehead.

Update: The NFL is now hiring the Wells law firm to investigate pantomiming and it’s direct correlation to ageism in the NFL.

Gonna go with Hochuli on this one, Cam is a little bitch.