Ultimately, slinging insults is simply a performance for everyone else here. It’s a way that people here can come together and agree that they don’t have to engage with some counter-argument in an intelligent manner.
Ultimately, slinging insults is simply a performance for everyone else here. It’s a way that people here can come together and agree that they don’t have to engage with some counter-argument in an intelligent manner.
He is a democratic plant with a mission to get lazy hipster millenials to vote.
The main point is to get clicks. The secondary point is to defend Gawker’s stance from Tom Brady supporters and angry Pats fans.
Soma with a taser? I’m in.
Could you please un-gray some of the pissed off Pats fan comments? Pretty please?
Agreed. This Porter guy was from the same neighborhood as Gray, age separated by two months. He can’t go home either, assuming he still has kin there.
I heard that they planned on granting him immunity anyways in exchange for him testifying against the other officers.
He’s probably still reeling from Kevin Lee’s destruction this weekend.
What a Gay thug.
You said it better. I’m thinking too much hype could be bad. You fall harder, you're over-confident, you could start to believe your own hype.
Sounds like the parents chose the name hoping if he heard it enough it would become prophecy. It's like the white version of Jesus.
Hopefully. A loss now would do her good and I love Rose.
The beginning of that gif looks like he's about to dab
At least he used a light saber and not a .22.
Tame for an “animal gets tortured” article. I said before that I think he was trying to put the animal out of its misery without shooting it 25-30 times with a .22. This story really is about Brunnell and either his poor storytelling skills or sick sense of humor... Or both. And I’ll never ever be a trophy hunter. And…
I won’t argue semantics; I think we agree on most everything. I guess what I meant was that I don't think they wanted to torture the animal and that they wanted to put it out of its misery ASAP. Otherwise, why not just let it go if they were scared of being caught trespassing? I think Brunnell did a bad job of telling…
True though I think this was ignorance on Favres part. But the way it was written is that Favre tortured a deer willfully. He was just an idiot kid. He panicked and the situation got worse. Hardly cause for outrage. I feel bad for the deer though.
I see your point.
I don't disagree. It's not a funny story. It speaks more to how Favre was raised. And Brunnel is an idiot.
That’s more along the lines of what I was thinking.