No Thang but a Chicken Wang

This is a pretty tame story for some boys who grew up in the country. But I can see how some people might be shocked by it. As a hunter you want to make your kill as quickly as possible and use everything. I don’t take trophies. Just a personal preference. Hunting saves money and it feeds. It also keeps me grounded. I

It’s more than that. Most of the employees at gawker have multiple burner accounts and comment on their own stuff. They are like Russian Today but with a smaller budget. They control the narrative. It's ideological fascism.

The grays are the best. They are the clicks to Gawker’s bait. Show a little respect dude.

The most interesting things are usually said by the grays.

Really? With no cheats? Why?

As far as your plans go, SOMA is very good and the Old Hunters is a fun reason to go back and play the original game (because of all the stuff the patch and dlc added) and the new stuff (beware, that first boss is tough!). I plan on playing more Fallout 4, finish up Witcher 3 dlc, give Just Cause a whirl, and finally

They should demote the officiating crew from the Broncos-Pats game. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy with the outcome but it didn’t feel like a comeback. It felt like a setup. I don’t buy into most of the conspiracists comparing the NFL to WWE but every time the Pats came up with a big play in the fourth quarter it was

How you make you letters big?

What a thug. Disgraceful!

Turkey Tettrazini is much better.

Maybe it starts with training then. Officers are trained to shoot center mast. Too easy to miss the legs supposedly and then you get ricochet. I talked to a cop buddy of mine and he said if the kid had a knife they should have used a taser. However if they thought he had a gun, they wouldn't switch from a gun to a

What did I say? Cybill?

Is that you're best argument? Really? You can't be civil?

Trypticon!!! I had one of those when I was 4. An older kid convinced me to trade it for some bum ass car that transformed into a man (not even a transformer). I need to buy one of these...for my son of course.

Knee injury

This was really a learning lesson for all those people who don’t know much about combat sports. I had good money on Holm. I put down another bet after the stare down at the weigh ins. Ronda looked unconfident and ridiculous. She had a front up. She looked a child next to the woman that is Holly Holm. This is exactly

I made a lot of money because of people like you Greg. Ronda was good for and became bad for women’s MMA. It was all about her. And her mom was right about her trainer.

I don’t see where you get that the song alludes to an opinion that some black people approve of black on black violence.

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