Coan Arcanius

I’ll be over here as a shocked Canadian realizing that the double big mac isn’t a regular menu item elsewhere. Usually it’s backwards. 

I see plenty of lettuce and some tomato in there, surely that counts for something!

Update: My Neopet who is 18 and a half years old has now been fed. I need more food before I can do my second pet, but I have a friend who is really into it still, so I guess she can tell me what to do. 

I feel for the poor support people about to be flooded.

People have always been the best reason. I still talk with some of the people from my original Vanilla guild...some were even at my first wedding. People from my guild in BFA were there for my second, done in SoCal around Blizzcon because it’d mean everyone would be in town anyway rather than ask them to fly out to

Wow, I can see you’re a toxic one with pokemon choices like that.

Maybe if it was pointing from the other direction, but yeah, I was real confused too for a moment given the placement of the fish.

There are a lot of different aspects to enjoying cars/car culture though. I don’t change my own oil or brakes right now because trying to do anything in my tiny apartment parking spots a pain and well, I’m lazy. I might do more when I move and have access to a bases auto shop bay and their equipment.

I feel like for some of us, it goes beyond just the boost, but also all that you gain with reputation and professions from the history of playing that character over time. Only time invested in a character can fully replace feeling complete to me, and it’s not something I get from even leveling to cap and kinda

We have a king, and it’s varying levels of comfortable depending on where everyone decides to sleep or who has nightmares or if a cat is too close to a dog or...

I was mostly joking with the comment though.


I can’t wait to buy it, play some and then still be too busy spreading myself thin in other games. :( I managed to finish Morrowwind, but only a chunk of the way through the first main chapter of Elsweyr, and never mind my Cadwells silver progress...

Ok, but, where is my human to dog conversion chart here? Is like, two medium dogs one person?

What about cats?

Your characters would not be deleted, they’ll still be there. Due to how names get freed up, they will be renamed to mostly gibberish, you will need to give them a name when logging in for the first time. There is a chance your original names will not be taken on the server and you’ll be able to rename them to what

Depends on how hard you want to go at the game. If you’re looking at AOTC in a reasonable amount of time after raid opens or CE raiding, it’s probably a chore, or if you’re a completionist (given how much gets added all the time with regular content updates). If you want to play the game and see all the content in

Scrolling through the other comments, yuuuuuup. I think I might sit down and put down a more defined of “I really need to finish these” like botw, outer worlds, etc. Having something more defined will probably help with actually hitting the goal. 

Keeping it simple.

Just finish more games that have some sort of “ending”. This means taking more time off from endlessly idle in mmos, or playing another game of civ, less time playing one game for two days on a weekend and then another different game the next weekend, and actually just...completing.

You know, I have no clue.
I have the d3 season to try and grind out. I have the new d2 season to...grind out, plus my light levels still barely over 900.  

I have WoW Classic grinding. I have wow retail anniversary event grinding. Oddly enough, both are in AV...
pokemon sword, ffxiv just announced a free login campaign.

Probably different programming strategies. Google has a public roadmap for updates and features for their devices ahead of time, while Apple seems to do it after the updates announced. There are probably some similarities in how internal planning goes for support and minimum requirements, but with Apple you can’t tell

Probably because regression testing EoL hardware is a hard sell for a feature update. 

Doing a spec comparison of the 2019 vs a fusion though, the taurus gains 1" front and 2" rear hip room while loses 3" less front leg room and 0.2" less in the rear (headroom, shoulder room and other specs were the same). The taurus also gains 4 cubic feet more trunk space, which is good if thats needed but I can’t say