Coan Arcanius

The friend I mentioned in that year old comment still has his (05 as wellI believe), they still drive it. Hell, they bought a sedona (iirc) as a second vehicle with the thought that they might replace the element at some point and have already gotten that while the Element goes on. They’ve half considered getting one

Two other suspects fled in the Challenger, reports KHOU.
Per KTRK, Martinez’s phone was still in the trunk, which police used to track down the car. The suspects led police on a chase until they crashed the car into a postal truck, at which point all three suspects abandoned the shiny red Challenger on foot.

Like? at the same time? cause that sounds like a cult.

Though my father does have the story of long ago when he bought a foxbody and they had a paint issue, where the paint was literally flaking off the car that did get fully escalated to Ford of Canada and finally corrected at that level. It’s not wholly impossible, but unlikely, and he did track it up through the

Workers pour molten medal


Here the Insurance company and licensing have a link (and likely the police too) so its fairly difficult, if possible at all to do this (which is updated on cancellations, renewals, etc). This doesn’t stop the regulators for regularly issuing notice that false companies are trying to operate, but I’ve had issues

Oh, I don’t summoner. I made my choice as a caster. I didn’t like affliction lock, I don’t care for summoner. It’ll get leveled only because scholar will drag it with it.

Also, the reddit threads today on mudras...i may have to give NIN another look. I’m still a slower, larger damage style player, so DRG/BLM are more

I’m not sure having a 37-button rotation is really a plus

When you realize it really doesn’t do what you want.

What this is going to be is going to be different things for different people for different cars and different reasons.

If you have a perfect 1998 garaged vehicle in pristine condition you think is going to be worth more than the cost of a decent paint job I suggest you submit it to NPoCP and have your expectations evaluated.

Eh, I think a lot of companies have stepped it up since the Toyota crap a few years back, with the GM ignition switch being another catalyst to make them want to address more things sooner, even if they’re minor. I mean, no deaths and only a handful of injuries with the cars in question now (with the age they’re at)

Neutral: Fords let me know that they’ve got parts for my airbag issue for my Fusion, so yes, that’ll be the second one this year (power steering bolts previously done) that’ll actually see done, rather than send me a letter and a “if you don’t die, don’t call us, we’ll call you”. I’ve got one or two more outstanding

Driving back from PAX this year, going through NY state, alone, late on the highway and my music stops playing. Briefly see Sync throw up a windows error and then the main screen (and iirc, the two side screens on the fusion dash, but not speedo) go black.

Similar almost happened with an old mud I played, but, it was new admins that were maliciously deleting backups slowly until the game was about a crash away from falling the same fate (and they were planning on holding the game hostage). The games owner picked up on it and managed to keep things safe...i’m not sure

Really beat me to it and likely said it better than I could have.

Inhouse CS personnel, aka, people directly accountable rather than third party companies, which I can understand (as someone who works as inhouse CS for a software company and has had to call outsourced CS for shit like telecom products when I was with larger carriers.

Yeah, no, while I can appreciate car culture being a thing and it’s their car...I will not apologize to stance culture or owners for my thoughts on taking their car and making it less safe to operate on the roads, for slowing down traffic due to the cars poor driveability and everything else that is functionally wrong

Sounds a bit like a flip of my fusion (I had owned a prev gen malibu as well) I feel like I could use a bit more trunk space with the fusion, but, I’ve had no complaints from shoving adults in the back as far as leg space goes for front and back.

Can’t tell if actual show or just someone recording themselves playing Forza Horizon...

Thankfully the worst I’ve had was the night before driving down to see my wife (then long distance relationship) my Sunfire developed a short that meant turn signals would turn on the 4 ways instead.