Coach Lou Brown

Nice try, Josh Gordon.

I was in Atlanta on business and took MARTA instead of renting a car. I had the worst head cold of my life and could not smell anything. I was coughing up a storm. About 5 minutes in to my ride I noticed people were staring at me strange, almost with fear. This went on for about two stops until a nice Asian lady came

Next question.

Come on, that dog doesn’t need the extra stress. He was already on edge.

I would be extremely suspicious of a Browns fan who isn’t this drunk at this point in the season.

“I hope he chokes on the first bite”

Fuck you, Kelly Olynk

As a parent of a 3 and 5 year old, I can’t even tell you how good that made me feel.

The vine of the cheerleader swirling her pom poms as McCown injures his shoulder is amazing.
McCown: Ah, my shoulder!
Cheerleader: Go Rams!

I’ve never been to Cleveland, but it’s the site of one of my all-time favorite pieces of trivia:

Yeah, I don’t really disagree either. Just, the best of them, and the seeming reason/idea behind much of the series, was to get away from the HBO style sports doc (oh, irony Simmons), and make films with a bit more vision/perspective, of stories not always told, or not told in the same way as they had been told

I’ve already seen it (and enjoyed it immensely), but there’s no reason I can’t see it again.

I thought I would share a story of my dad’s. Our family has many stories where none of us can quite explain it, to non skeptics we believe we are definitely clairvoyant to some degree. My parents tell me stories from when I was younger, I’m not as in tuned to it as they are but this story of my dads is from his days

No real ghost stories but this book series scared the shit out of me as kid:

This is the perfect excuse for me to drag out this gif:

The reaction of the little blonde girl in the second row.

I grew up in a household of Chicago and Cleveland fan heritage. (Un)wisely, at the age of 7, I chose the Cowboys as my football team, but that’s a different story for later. My maternal family was all Cubs, so I pretty much regarded them (the Cubs) as mediocre curiousities that my grandpa would fall asleep watching in

“I made the stupid mistake of buying a pair of shoes that were not Asics GT-2000’s” YAAAS GT-2000s forever. The only shoe that does not kill my knees despite my horribly flat feet.