Don’t rub it!
Don’t rub it!
Looks like a nasty 2-seamer running away from the left-handed batter.
That’s a shitty way to lose a ball game.
Enjoyed the article.
The Aussies needed Outback Jesus:
The Cavs beat the Warriors and the Zebras in Game 2.
I agree with your stance on growlers.
What a gigantic FUPA.
There was nothing more nerve-wracking than seeing those red laces spinning right towards your junk, knowing there was nothing you could do about it.
I also have fond memories of nut-ball.
Ugh, Ozzie Guillen. What a detestable sonofabitch.
+1 Flower Power is deliciousness.
I agree with you that Bryce Harper is a jerky, egotistical man-child. I am assuredly not a Bryce Harper or a Nats fan.
#1 Don’t argue balls and strikes. It’s impossible to win that argument with an umpire (even though this pitch was definitely a ball).
21st Amendment’s session IPA is very good. I believe it’s called Down to Earth.
Go home, Timmy. You’re drunk.
Oh, Jim. Please shut the fuck up. It must be really tough being a Boston sports fan. Only nine (9) championships in the 21st century? I feel so bad for you.
My fantasy baseball team’s name is “Bartolo’s Colon.”
As a lifelong Browns fan, I feel your pain.