
Fuck that clown and his “dilly dilly” sign. What a shitty commercial.

The Kaepernick trip this site has been on is every bit as loathsome as the ESPN/Tebow saga.

Death Grips

A jilted white lady who wants to exploit it as a tool for revenge by crying wolf.

I love how defensive all the 12s are about this. I especially like the talk of the “new” Jax fans...........from Seattle fans.....who probably didnt even know they had a football team 10 years ago.

Very over aggressive?? As in Mr. Classless, Michael Bennett, trying to take out the knees of a Jags player? Is that what you’re referring too? Also, spare us non 12's your ‘non-call’ outrage. The Seahawks have had more of those calls go in their favor for 4 lifetimes.

While these are bad fans, the Seahawks are bad at losing. Two ejections to end the game. Could have been more.

The gay porn side is not nearly as stringent with testing as many gay porn performers have whistle blown over the years. In condom shoots there’s a don’t ask don’t tell philosophy. And performers do show up with dated certificates and still shoot as long as the other party doesn’t ask. In bareback shoots it can go

The Jags are one, average (Eli Manning) QB away from being a serious SB contender.

Go away, we’re talking about football here.

I wish every Masshole who treats Bob Fucking Kraft as if he were a saint; the guy who tried to move the team to fucking Hartford, the guy who was one of the first to legitimize Trump, the guy who more than anyone is why Goodell is commissioner, would line up and take turns eating my ass. Brady uses PEDs btw.

The gift that keeps on giving.

Most overrated band of all time.

I would almost rather go deaf than to listen to any of these.

Friend, apparently you’ve never been to Charles Mulligan’s in Indianapolis, the steak? A Ribeye, the whiskey? Lagavulin 16, the lady next to me? A bitch named Tammy.

Go to better restaurants.

Sooooooo, a story critical of prisons that’s sourced entirely from unverified anecdotes from convicted felons. Color me shocked. Good hire, Splinter!

So, let me get this straight. NFL players exercising their freedom of speech* by kneeling - perfectly fine. Member of the public exercising his freedom of speech* in saying he disagrees with how NFL players are exercising said freedom - FUCK YOU YOU PIECE OF SHIT!

He reeks of desperation. His business has never lived up to the plan that he set out for it, and it never will in a world where gasoline is under $5 a gallon. Like many he assumed that the price of fuel would never go under $4 again, and most likely continue to sky rocket. He and Paul Elio will some day be sitting by

Like everything from Ohio, it sucks.