
The horror! An adult drank a beer in front of the, in front of...

I really hoped once that horse-faced mother fucker retired he’d go away, but no, he’s on television more than ever doing his stupid faux ‘aw shucks’ routine.

Great. Another African-American quarterback that won’t be standing during the national anthem.

Sadly, not the first bridge/water to suffer structural damage in Minnesota.

I hope they’re keeping all of the Deadspin-related verticals. This guy may not be a fan of the Deadspin homepage anymore, but at least he can still come on the Concourse.

I've watched WWE promos that were less staged.

damn, patrick. univision? good luck, guys.

And she’s extorting him. I love the awful brand of feminism spewed on this site.

It’s a band, even crappy bands try to have an image. That image is probably why the girl was in the band to begin with. Unless we want to believe that every post-Pixies band with a weak ass Kim Deal impersonating bass player was hired for her ability to provide the backbone in the rhythm section.

Yeah...this looks like normal banter between friends, especially since she's laughing and being just involved. Then all of a sudden it's fast forward to conversation where they're having a talk about the image of the band. Was he being a dick? Yes. She didn't want to change her look for the band so she was kicked out.

“Hey, what’s the big idea? Adding extra A’s is OUR recruiting pitch.”

Justin Verlander can’t be bothered to play, as he’s used to getting hit in the face by large jugs on a nightly basis.

um, good? Nowhere does it say people have a right to live in public places. Maybe the city can use funds to do something about the homeless, but back a few decades ago, when we had vagrancy laws, the problem didn’t exist to the extent we see now. Reagan de-funded federal mental institutions sending 100,000s to the

This is bullshit, right?

Not the first Michigander who can't held responsible....

I’m going to assume autocorrect changed psychotic to hardcore with your last comment.

+1 for having the courage to tell the world you are from cleveland.

As a warriors fan, I am still hoping that they can come back from their 3-2 series to go back to finals to beat the Cavs.

Exactly what a wannabe league needs more of - "lager louts" imitating Euro hooliganism ass-hattery with their "mates" and singing soccer ("football", futbol, ...) chanties while they throw plastic chairs at each other ... so, SO fucking European.