
Well, I’m not allowed to use butter or oil (court order, long story short, never say, ‘yeah, I can defend myself on this parking ticket”), so you tell me what else I can use?

What’s the name for someone who displays Dunning–Kruger effect like tendencies within their own field of expertise? Is it the Grunfeld-Gruden effect?

Even more than dunking a basketball, his most impressive talent is to be able to slow down time as he gets close to the rim. If he can learn to do this in baseball the sky is the limit.

So the Broncos are essentially starting a quarterback that would be at best 5th on the 0-8 Browns depth chart (McCarron, Kizer, Kessler, Hogan)? Can I please be part of Colin Kaepernick’s legal team...

I have a guess. Maybe with no more events, Lochte and co. were looking for/had drugs and were shaken down by real police, not robbed by thugs acting as police. Many times police will confiscate drugs/cash without arresting someone, especially with the dire straits Rio is currently in (police were not receiving regular

I don’t give a shit about stealing from them because they’re stealing from us taxpayers anyway. You want me to pay for your goddamn stadium? Fuck you. I’ll watch all your shit for free.

Reached for comment, Kevin Love said, “I can’t really defend his firing. Or the job he did as coach. ...Actually, I can’t defend anything. Please don’t ask me to.”

I came up with a better way. I rented a place for myself. No roomates to worry about. That extra 5 minutes a month I save goes towards furious couch masturbation.

You can have good stats but hurt your team... numbers do lie sometimes.