
I have been on board with this fix for a while now. The best part is that it might create a new two way position that currently doesn’t exist. Step one get a really tall athlete, say Tacko Fall for example, to try and block scoring kickoffs. Step two, put Tacko Fall in the game for all goal line and two point

Simple solution, make dunks worth 3 points, problem solved!

Even more than dunking a basketball, his most impressive talent is to be able to slow down time as he gets close to the rim. If he can learn to do this in baseball the sky is the limit.

So the Broncos are essentially starting a quarterback that would be at best 5th on the 0-8 Browns depth chart (McCarron, Kizer, Kessler, Hogan)? Can I please be part of Colin Kaepernick’s legal team...

Why isn’t the criticism that Bob McNair “isn’t smart enough” to understand why he should use a different idiom when describing his employees?

Lets remember some guys’ wives

Teddy Atlas for president.

IFEA? We have those outside of Houston... great place to get some discount furniture that still looks European. Also their meatballs are to die for... at least my buddy Secretariat says so.

Kurt Thomas

“It was supposed to be and EXHIBITION!”

The compensatory 3rd round pick that everyone is talking about would be at the END of the 3rd 2018...correct? The pick they get from the Browns will be in 2017 and because its the Browns at the beginning of the 3rd round. So the trade moves them up ONE year and ONE round, and sends the message to the locker

This is what we in baskebtball call a “play”. It requires players on offense to move in an organized fashion that they have rehearsed before the actual game. Of course without this insider information that I just provided, the average layperson would just marvel at LeBron throwing the ball in a random direction

Seriously, what happened to Japandroids? I have trying to figure that out for about a year now. Google returns nothing of value in the last year. Does anybody actually know something?

Sure Lue may be the next Jason Kidd or Jeff Hornacek (which right now isn’t looking like as good of a high end as it did 6 months ago)... but he could be the next Byron Scott... or the next Avery Johnson... or the next Brian Shaw... or the next Jacques Vaugn... or the next... ah who cares he’s getting fired in two

Solution: Players who below 50% FT entering a game are required to shoot the FTs for that game underhanded. Rick Barry and all the old school types would love this rule and it would de-stigmatize the for some of these guys to shoot underhanded.

Did DeMar mutter “I ain’t even go to college” after Lowry disses USC? If so I expect a full NCAA investigation.

Andy Reid says Chip Kelly needs to lose some weight.