Danglerack Cunningsnatch

no... Both just look like they got graffiti bombed by someone.

really cool video, but a blatant commercial. cut the craptastic music and make it actual HD (instead of crappy artifacting) and 30m+ long: winner.

haha what the fuck are you even on about you goddamned turdeater

for the record i'm a local man and was happy to see this get shitcanned as were many others. just getting my #notallmen on ;)

"Crap, I'm so fired."

sounds incredibly dangerous to me, I can foresee people either slamming their brakes on or swerving violent as they become disoriented by the siren

I dispute these findings. I have a small dog on 1 acre near a forest. I know which way north is. The dog goes where she wants, period. Never in the same place and she is not aligned with N/S.

If by ignorant you mean ignorant about how her comments might bother people, then yes. Ignorant about multiculturalism than no. My mom has lots of empathy. I think part of the problem is that my mom married outside her race/cultural, her kids are multicultural, and she isn't offended by these questions about me or my

Are you earnestly invoking the Hindenburg's safety record?

I always thought it was funny to have Zima signs in the background of the bars on Babylon 5. I was all "Man, Zima isnt going to be around in FIVE years, let alone five hundred!"

In the future, the fate of many will rest with one teenage girl... again. Though don't be surprised if there is a good looking boy thrown in as a love interest.

This looks like its going to be crap. They couldn't even CG some broken windows in some of the buildings? Things look quite well maintained for that many years.. and the Lake would be much deeper than depicted. Just so many cheap approaches to this that it looks like a TV show about on par with Revolution.

I was very disconcerted and uncomfortable with the emphasis, in the headlines from UK media coverage I saw, on the little girl's blonde-ness and the way the articles kept referring to her as a "young blonde girl" and repeatedly emphasizing that she is blonde. As if the blondeness is what makes the whole thing a real

I found that interesting. So, the cops don't bother with these guys that are driving on the wrong side of the road, on sidewalks, running red lights, blowing through construction zones, but they go after a guy for merely speeding, hardcore.

Ah...but behold the GIF version.