
And hence why I suggest the author lead the way on the end of humanity. The loss won’t be huge, they don’t understand much and are undermining things they think they are advocating for.

The Gawker journalistic style guide says you have to be hyperbolic and hysterical about everything. Perspective, calmness and not overstating the case are frowned upon.

Per my usual. If you think it is time for humanity to go, start with yourself.

I don’t make the rules, I just enjoy pointing out the double standards. And if you think it’s okay to punish a group of people based on their race and religious beliefs...then you’re no better than the mean nasty white guys.

I wonder why? Oh, that’s right... because NASA said last year there wasn’t a problem. So which is right? The alarmist NASA of now, or the meh NASA of last year?


Barring some incredible new carbon capture technology, the window for limiting global warming to less than 1.5 degrees Celsius appears to have closed. That’s the stark conclusion of a report out in Nature today, which finds that the carbon reductions pledges penned into the Paris Agreement are ridiculously inadequate

i can only assume that you’re volunteering?

to be part of the population reduction, in case you missed that.

They managed to work Trump into the article too.

Exactly this. I think if you are going to have a draft at all then it is unfair and ridiculous to only require it for men. And I also believe that every single job in the military should be only based on the mental and/or physical requirements to do the job, not gender. Can’t carry over 100 lbs on your back for miles

Why would that be? Men fail, so do women, and her failure is just like those of any other CEOs. I do not see how gender is relevant in the discussion.

Engineering science and global weather behavior estimations are not the same

This accounts for one single outcome in regards to a warming earth that being drought only because it fits squarely in the alarmists propaganda of “we are all gunna die! AHHHHH!”. More likely is that the equatorial zone will get larger and warmth loving varieties will slowly march northward yet again.