
Shhhh! Somebody’s trying to save us from ourselves! Just nod sagely and go on wanting and working towards your dream car.

Nice Hyundais!

This idea occurred to me 30-odd years ago (as well as the harder, brighter mentioned below). Can rapidly-flickering lights trigger seizures or something?


So you’re saying it’s not ClimateChange™?

You never realized that the whole former Gawker network is 95% sockpuppetry?

Agreed. It’s hideous.

Accused of drunk driving? Let’s get Beers!

“radically change the climate”. OK, uh-huh. You don’t get out much, do ya?

Eat a bag of (meat) dicks.

Needs moar front and real overhang.


You need to find and drive one of these:

And she’s Gizmodo’s chief ClimateChange™ propagandist/alarmist/catastrophist, so there’s no surprise.

I call BS on the whole climate catastrophe alarmism. It’s a nice way to extract taxpayer dollars, though.

Great PR, probably staged.

It must be terrible to be frightened of everything. How do you make it through the day?

How much socialism is “enough” socialism?