
no, no, no. You mean Climate Change has caused more than 4,000 flight cancellations.

Fwiw I don’t deny climate change. I just deny the supposed link Maddie is trying to sell.

After Katrina the same sky is falling reporting was done. 11 years later we get Matthew.

Hahaha no shit. Weather happens. Hurricanes happen. SHIT FUCKING HAPPENS! It’s a hurricane (looking out my window in Jacksonville as it passes though), big whoop.

oh look another chicken little, the world is ending post from Maddie.

Leftist nonsense

Oh no I am so afraid. What was it like 60 years ago when there was no such thing as hurricanes? I’ll have to ask my grandparents.

“Pengwynn” and “Penguinsftw”......come on guys. What’s going on here......

Am I alone in thinking this is the ugliest Civic in Honda’s history? It looks like the previous Civic model had sex with a Prius.

“Leaking” from the atmosphere in the title seems to allude to oxygen slowly going into space. The article doesn’t say that. Leaking vs. converting into CO2 or H20 seems like a very big difference. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that I’m just confused, but it really sounds like another trademark clickbait

Make an argument - not an ad hominem.

No bloody way the govt/taxpayers should put a Nickle into this research.

Sorry, Gizmodo. You already said that it was a sign of the apocalypse. You can’t walk that shit back now.

What’s that about Calgary? We hosted the Olympics in 1988 and it was one of the most successful. ($140 million in profit). We’re bidding on Winter 2026.

Calgary already hosted the Winter Olympics in 1988, moron.

Bingo. It’s amazing how the definition of hero can change depending on who's dirty dealings are exposed.

Agreed and OH please. Gawker medias consistent and non hypocritical position on leaking information..

So Wikileaks was cool when they’re taking down Bush and the Republicans, but when they do the same to Clinton and the Democrats they’ve hit rock bottom?

The *archives* only go back to 1995. There are no prediction forecasts prior to that, or at least none accessible to the public. Remember, the web was invented in 1994; it took a few years before the US government was able to easily put these forecasts out.

People don’t pay attention unless you say never. Always remember. Never forget.